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French to English - Rates: 0.10 - 0.10 EUR per word / 26 - 30 EUR per hour English to Spanish - Rates: 0.10 - 0.10 EUR per word / 26 - 30 EUR per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.10 - 0.10 EUR per word / 26 - 30 EUR per hour French to Spanish - Rates: 0.10 - 0.10 EUR per word / 26 - 30 EUR per hour Spanish to French - Rates: 0.10 - 0.10 EUR per word / 26 - 30 EUR per hour
English to French - Rates: 0.10 - 0.10 EUR per word / 26 - 30 EUR per hour
English to French: Software strings translation General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Software
Source text - English “Screen readers are software programs that allow blind or visually impaired users to read the text that is displayed on the computer screen with a speech synthesizer or braille display.” -- American Foundation for the Blind
In a Word document the text a screen reader “reads” is obviously the text contained in the body of the document, but what about pictures, graphics, charts, et cetera that are also in the document – how are they described by the screen reader? The answer is “Alternative Text” that gets associated with each special object and that the screen reader “speaks” to the end user.
Translation - French "Les lecteurs d'écran sont des applications logicielles qui permettent aux utilisateurs aveugles ou dont l'acuité visuelle est réduite, de lire le texte qui s'affiche sur l'écran d'ordinateur grâce à un synthétiseur vocal ou un affichage braille." -- Fondation américaine pour les aveugles.
Dans un document Word, le texte lu par le lecteur d'écran est bien évidemment le texte contenu dans le corps du document, mais qu'en est-il des images, graphiques, diagrammes et ainsi de suite, qu'on trouve également dans le document - comment sont-ils décrits par le lecteur d'écran ? La solution, c'est le "Texte alternatif" associé à chaque objet spécial, que le lecteur d'écran "vocalise" à l'intention de l'utilisateur final.
English to Spanish: Human Services Financial Information Release Form General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Human Resources
Source text - English I hereby grant permission and authorize any bank, building association, insurance company, real estate company, employer, United States Postal Service, Social Security Administration, Veteran’s Administration, Internal Revenue Service, or any financial or social institution of any kind or character to disclose to any accredited agent of the XXXXXX County Department of Human Services or partners full information as to my past, present, or future records; insurance policies; property; and financial accounts.
Translation - Spanish Por la presente, doy permiso y autorizo cualquier banco, asociación de vivienda, compañía aseguradora, empresa inmobiliaria, empleador, los Servicios de Correos EE.UU.(USPS), la Agencia de la Seguridad Social, la Agencia de Veteranos, el Servicio de Hacienda Pública (IRS) o cualquier otra institución financiera o social de algún tipo o características a divulgar a toda administrativo autorizado del Departamento de Servicios Humanos Condado de XXXXXX o sus asociados la información completa relacionado con mis registros pasados, presentes o futuros; pólizas de seguros, bienes inmuebles; y cuentas financieras.
English to Spanish: Software descriptive text General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Software
Source text - English registeredbrand! for PowerPoint sends PowerPoint files to Word in your choice of 64 page layout and document style combinations. registeredbrand! makes it easy to build formatted Word documents from your PowerPoint slides and notes.
Use registeredbrand! documents to support presentations that include PowerPoint. registeredbrand! documents make impressive handouts for your audience, and you can also use them for your speaker notes.
Translation - Spanish marcaregistrada! for PowerPoint traspasa ficheros PowerPoint a Word en 64 combinaciones de formatos de página y diseños de documentos de su elección. marcaregistrada! hace sencillo realizar documentos formateados en Word a partir de sus diapositivas y apuntes PowerPoint.
Utiliza marcaregistrada! para acompañar presentaciones que traen PowerPoint. Con documentos marcaregistrada! consigue folletos impactantes para su auditorio además de servir de apuntes orador.
Spanish to English: Healthcare surveys, reports and analysis General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Spanish La proporción de adultos con diagnóstico médico previo de diabetes fue de 9.2%, lo que muestra un incremento importante en comparación con la proporción reportada en la TITLUODEENCUESTA 2000 (5.8%) y en la TITLUODEENCUESTA 2006 (7%). No obstante, es importante señalar que no se cuenta todavía con las cifras de medición de glucosa en la TITLUODEENCUESTA 2012, por lo cual no es posible identificar con certeza si este hallazgo representa un incremento real en prevalencia o un incremento ocasionado por mayores actividades de detección y el concomitante aumento en la proporción de personas que se saben diabéticos. Sin embargo, este hallazgo es muy importante en términos de la demanda por servicios de salud que actualmente ocurre en el sistema de salud y es indicativo de la gravedad del problema que representa la diabetes tipo 2 en NOMBREDELPAIS. La prevalencia de diabetes será reportada una vez que se cuente con el análisis de laboratorio de los sueros obtenidos de los participantes.
Translation - English The proportion of adults with a preliminary medical diagnosis of diabetes was 9.2%, which represents an important increase in comparison to the proportion reported in the TITLEOFSURVEY 2000 (5.8%) and the TITLEOFSURVEY 2006 (7%). However, it is important to remark that no numbers are yet available for glucose measurements in the TITLEOFSURVEY 2012, meaning that it isn't possible to identify with certainty whether this finding represents a real increase in prevalence or an increase caused by increased activities of detection and the accompanying increase in the proportion of persons that know they are diabetic. Notwithstanding, this finding is very important in terms of the demand for healthcare services that now exist within the healthcare system and is indicative of the gravity of the problem represented by type 2 diabetes in NAMEOFCOUNTRY. The prevalence of diabetes will be reported once the laboratory analysis of participants' serum becomes available.
English to French: Website translation vacation rental Spain General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English Explore the pine and rosemary covered wilderness of the Font Roja or visit Guadelest, a village encrusted in the mountain. The Canelobre Caves, at 2200 ft altitude, offer the visitor the highest natural vaults in Spain.
Starting out from several mountain villages, hiking paths, rated short and long trail, take you through the Alicante Sierra to discover breath-taking views of the mountains and the sea.
Translation - French Explorez l'arrière-pays sauvage couvert de pins et de romarins dans le parque de la Font Roja, ou visiter Guadalest, un village incrusté dans la montagne. Les grottes de Canelobre, à 700 m d´altitude, offrent au visiteur les plus hautes voûtes d´Espagne.
En partant de plusieurs villages de montagne, on suit des chemins de randonnées balisés, petit et grand parcours, pour y découvrir des vues imprenables sur la mer et la sierra alicantine.
English to French: ecommerce website, embroidered home textiles General field: Marketing Detailed field: Retail
Source text - English Inside our store, you'll find an exciting array of Designer home linens from Alicante, the heart of Spain's embroidered textiles region.
Discover the beauty and elegance of embroidered bath towels sets, comforters, embroidered duvet covers, velour blankets, embroidered bed sheets, embroidered table linens and kitchen curtains by Spanish Designers such as Viridiana Punto y Feston, TextilHoy and Royal Blankets.
Shop online for designer home linens you won't find in any stores.
Just in time for Christmas! Look throughout the store for many newly added bedding, bath and table linens.
Buy now and get free shipping. Offer good through December 31, 2003.
Translation - French Dans notre boutique online, nous vous proposons une collection choisie de linge de maison brodé de grandes marques du textile espagnol comme Viridiana, TextilHoy et Royal.
Retrouvez l'élégance et la beauté de serviettes de bain brodées, édredons et housses de couette brodées, couvertures, draps de lit, linge de table brodés et rideaux de cuisine.
Achetez, sans vous déplacer, des articles de linge de maison que vous ne trouverez nulle part ailleurs!
Juste à temps pour Noël! Découvrez les nouveaux articles de linge de table, draps et serviettes brodées arrivés dans tout le magasin.
Achetez maintenant et profitez des frais d'envois gratuits Offre valide jusqu'au 31 décembre 2003.
French to English: Patient report, child development General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - French Motif de la consultation: Léa a eu des difficultés d'intégration du langage ainsi que des difficultés dans les acquisitions mathématiques cette année. J'ai pratiqué un bilan du langage écrit (cf document joint) qui mettait en évidence des difficultés d'ordre visuospatial, des confusions multiples de lettres proches visuellement, des difficultés de mémorisation.
Anamnèse : cf bilan langage écrit
Translation - English Reason for consultation: Lea has been having difficulties assimilating written language as well as acquiring math skills this year. I performed an assessment of her written language skills ( see attached document) in which visual-spatial difficulties, multiple confusion of visually similar letters and memorization difficulties were brought to light.
Anamnesis: see written language assessment
English to French: Information technology in healthcare General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - English A critical component of enabling the electronic sharing of health information is the concept of interoperability, and interoperability standards: standardized messaging specifications and transmission use cases that ensure that any IT systems created in compliance with those standards will be able to communicate critical health information, and interpret that information consistently upon receipt.
Translation - French Il existe un composant essentiel pour faciliter le partage d'information de santé, le concept de l’interopérabilité, ainsi que les normes d’interopérabilité: les spécifications normalisées de messagerie et de transmission de cas d’utilisation permettant de communiquer des informations déterminantes de santé et de les interpréter de manière homogène à leur réception.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - UCLA
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Nov 2003.
Multilingual CMS web developer, localization and translation in French, English and Spanish
My business is based in Paris, France. I am a mobile professional working alternately in Tampa Bay, Florida, Paris, France and Alicante, Spain. Billing in EUROS.
Software localization, computing, SEO, environment and conservation issues, ehealth standards,ecommerce localization
CMS multilingual WordPress, Drupal, multilingual ecommerce shop in Xcart, water quality reports, website translations, office of tourism publications, Country annual health demographics report
A self-starter, well organized, with excellent analytic and problem-solving skills as well as initiative, I am equipped to carry projects to completion without the need for direct supervision. In addition, my excellent communication and multicultural experience along with interpersonal skills make me an asset to a group, at ease in a well-defined collaborative setting.