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Translation Volume: 2800 pages Completed: May 2005 Languages: Italian to Bulgarian
Law (general)
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Sample translations submitted: 3
Bulgarian to Italian: Ordinanza
Source text - Bulgarian СЪДЪТ НА .......
Следователят на дознанието,...........,издаде следното
по разпореждане на инстанцията прилагаща предварителна мярка за неотклонение и задържане под стража в затвора, издадено от прокурора към съответния съд, отнасящо се до подследствените лица, извършили долуописаните престъпления:
Translation - Italian TRIBUNALE DI ....
Il Giudice delle Indagini Preliminari, ......, ha pronunciato la seguente
in ordine alla istanza di applicazione della misura della custodia cautelare in carcere avanzata da parte del Pm c/o Tribunale in Sede nei confronti degli indagati ed in relazione ai reati di cui appresso:
Bulgarian to English: Economic Information Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Bulgarian Натрупването на финансово богатство в региона не беше повлияно осезаемо от американската ипотечна криза. Финансовите пазари в региона на ЦИЕ показаха, че са издръжливи на скорошната международна криза и като цяло бързо се възстановяват от краткосрочния шок. Много добрите икономически показатели на ЦИЕ поддържат стабилността в региона, въпреки някои увеличени рискове.
Платежоспособността на домакинствата остава добра, но податлива на промени.
Ръстът в кредитирането на домакинствата ще остане висок и в бъдеще, стимулиран от търсенето на дълготрайни стоки и от факта, че пазарът на жилища все още не е достигнал до точката на насищане. Значителната липса на ликвидност обаче и нарастващата склонност към избягване на рискови инвестиции след американската ипотечна криза се очаква да доведат до увеличение на цента на рефинансиране за банките и някои рискове от промяна на цените. Това увеличава вероятността за леко намаляване на ръста на кредитите. Нарастването на финансовите задължения ще се стабилизира ...
Translation - English Accumulation of financial wealth has not been sensibly affected so far by the US subprime crisis. Indeed, financial markets in the CEE region have proven to be quite resilient to the recent international turbulences, quickly recovering from the short term shock. The very good economic fundamentals in CEE have promoted and continue to promote stability, although risks have clearly grown.
Household solvency remains good but sensitive
Growth in households lending is expected to continue also in the future, stimulated by the demand for durables and the far from saturated housing market. The significant liquidity shortage and surging risk aversion following the US subprime crisis are however expected to trigger an increase in the cost of refinancing for banks and some re-pricing of risks. This, combined with the widening financing gap at the regional level, increases the likelihood of some credit squeeze, with growth in household liabilities forecasted to stabilise...
English to Italian: DISPOSITIVI STANDARD DI SICUREZZA Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng
Priority of platform controls.
Locks for the safety belts on the platform.
Emergency push-button with engine stop.
Hand pump for the emergency descent of the platform.
Automatic opening of the brake when the rotation begins.
Aerial structure locking till the stabilization is complete.
A protection with pressure releave valves on the hydraulic system.
Overcenter lock valves on all the cylinders.
Traslation intermittent sound alarm.
Automatic opening of the brake when traslation begins.
Complete stabilization warning lights.
Electro-hydraulic transmission.
On-platform load limiting device.
220 V supply with plug on the platform with earth leakage circuit breaker.
Gearcase protection cup.
Produced according to EN ... norm and international safety regulations.
Use and maintenance handbook.
Priorità di comandi in piattaforma.
Agganci per cinture di sicurezza sul cеstello.
Pulsante emergenza con arresto motore.
Pompa a mano per le discese di emergenza.
Freno attivo ad apertura automatica sulla rotazione.
Interblocco stabilizzatori braccio.
Protezioni termiche sull'impianto elettrico.
Valvole di massima pressione su circuito oleodinamico.
Valvole di blocco bilanciate su tutti i circuiti.
Suoneria intermittente allarme traslazione.
Freno attivo ad apertura automatica sulla traslazione.
Spie di segnalazione stabilizzazione avvenuta.
Contaore macchina in servizio.
Traslazione elettroidraulica.
Limitatore di carico in piattaforma.
Avviamento motore endotermico elettrico.
Linea elettrica in piattaforma 220 V (con salvavita).
Cappuccio protezione plancia comandi.
Sistema di ricarica automatico della batteria.
Costruzione secondo la norma EN ... e confrome a tutte le normative.
Libretto uso e manutenzione.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Marketing - University of Milan Bicocca
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Feb 2007.
My education level, after obtaining a degree in Economics and International Trade by the University of Florence, has been enriched and consolidated with the frequentation of a MBA in USA, where I accumulated a strong professional
experience in the commercial and financial areas.
I'm in possess of the certificate CELI 5 (Professional Certificate of Knowledge of Italian language) by the
University for Foreigners of Perugia. Moreover, I'm married with an Italian citizen.
For years I've collaborated with offices of the Italian Foreign Trade Institute in various countries and, with the Police,
Prosecutor's Office of the Republic and the Court of Milan and Trieste.
The areas of my specialisation in the translation are:
- commercial and legal documents;
- correspondence with foreign partners;
- contracts;
- tourism;
- advertising;
- financial documents;
- translation of web pages;
- technical translations;
- localization of software;
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: bulgarian to italian, english to italian, english to bulgarian, bulgarian to english, italian to bulgarian, translation, translator, italiano-bulgaro, bulgaro-italiano, inglese-bulgaro. See more.bulgarian to italian, english to italian, english to bulgarian, bulgarian to english, italian to bulgarian, translation, translator, italiano-bulgaro, bulgaro-italiano, inglese-bulgaro, bulgaro-inglese, inglese-italiano, traduzione, interpretariato, traduttore, interprete, manifestazioni fieristiche, international exhibition, fiere, fair, traduzioni, translations, interpreter, guida turistica, tour operator, certificati, certificates, documenti, documents, patente di guida, vari, hostess, interpreter for international exibitions, interprete per fiere, banking & finance, real estate, notary deeds, patents, tender documentation, contracts, business correspondence, conference interpreting, proofreading.. See less.
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