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Serbian to English: Employment Contract General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Serbian xxxxxxxxxxx
Ugovor o radu xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx, xx.xx.2014. godine xxxxxxx
Na osnovu clana 1. stav 2., clanova 30-33. Zakona o radu ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 24/2005, 61/2005, 54/2009, 32/2013 i 75/2014), clana 111. Zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o radu ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 75/2014) i Pravilnika o radu kod Poslodavca,
Sa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Zaposleni), mesto prebivalista xxxxxxx.
1. Zaposleni je u radnom odnosu kod Poslodavca po osnovu Ugovora o radu od xx.xx.2006. godine. i po osnovu svih pripadajucih aneksa. Ovaj Ugovor o radu se zakljucuje u cilju uskladivanja medusobnog odnosa sa poslednjim izmenama Zakona o radu na celovit nacin.
2. Zaposleni je zasnovao radni odnos na neodredeno vreme sa punim radnim vremenom pocev od xx.xx.2006. godine.
3. Prava, obaveze i odgovornosti ugovornih strana po osnovu rada ureduju se ovim ugovorom i Pravilnikom o radu Poslodavca, a u skladu sa zakonom.
4. Zaposleni ce obavljati poslove xxxxxxxxxx, Centrala xxxxxxx.
Strucna sprema koja je uslov za obavljanje poslova za koje se zakljucuje Ugovor o radu: xx stepen strucne spreme.
Opis posla radnog mesta Zaposlenog, prema stanju vazece sistematizacije i organizacije poslova u trenutku zakljucenja ovog Ugovora o radu, je u prilogu ovog Ugovora o radu.
Svi opisi poslova za sva radna mesta kod Poslodavca, osim za radna mesta za koja se opisi poslova definisu Zakonom, su u skladu sa odredbama vazeceg Pravilnika o organizaciji i sistematizaciji poslova i radnih mesta objavljeni na Intranet stranici xxxxxxx i dostupni su Zaposlenom u svakom momentu, pristupom na: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Zaposleni je saglasan da bude premesten na drugo radno mestu u skladu sa zakonom.
5. Mesto rada - zaposleni ce posao obavljati u prostorijama Poslodavca u mestu: xxxxxxxxx. Na razuman zahtev Poslodavca, Zaposleni je duzan da radi i na drugim lokacijama Poslodavca, kao i na lokacijama povezanih lica ili klijenata. Od Zaposlenog se moze zahtevati da putuje u inostranstvo.
6. Zaposleni ima pravo na zaradu za obavljeni rad i vreme provedeno na radu koja se sastoji od osnovne zarade, dela zarade za radni ucinak i uvecane zarade.
Osnovna zarada zaposlenog, za puno radno vreme i standardni ucinak utvrduje se u iznosu od xxxxxx RSD (slovima: xxxxxxxxx i xxxxx dinara).
Pod bruto iznosom zarade u smislu stava 2. ovog clana smatra se zarada koja sadrzi porez i doprinose koji se placaju iz zarade.
Deo zarade za radni ucinak - zaposleni moze ostvariti deo zarade za radni ucinak (varijabilni deo zarade) u skladu sa kriterijumima i pod uslovima predvidenim Pravilnikom o radu Poslodavca.
Zaposleni ima pravo na uvecanu zaradu u skladu sa Zakonom i Pravilnikom o radu.
Isplatu zarade, naknade zarade i drugih primanja Zaposlenom, utvrdenih ovim ugovorom o radu i Pravilnikom o radu, Poslodavac ce vrsiti jednom mesecno i to poslednjeg radnog dana u mesecu za tekuci mesec, a najkasnije u roku od mesec dana od zavrsetka obracunskog perioda.
Nacin obracuna zarade zaposlenog, u skladu sa ovim Ugovorom o radu primenjuje se pocev od xx.xx.2014. godine.
7. Zaposleni ima pravo na naknadu zarade u visini zarade koju bi ostvario na radu za vreme odsustvovanja sa rada na dan drzavnih praznika koji su zakonom predvideni kao neradni dani, godisnjeg odmora, placenog odsustva i odazivanja na poziv drzavnog organa, ali ne manje od iznosa naknade zarade u skladu sa Zakonom.
Zaposleni ima pravo na naknadu zarade i u drugim slucajevima utvrdenim Zakonom i Pravilnikom o radu
8. Radna nedelja Zaposlenog iznosi 40 radnih sati. Radni dan po pravilu traje 8 casova. Zaposleni ima pravo na odmor u toku dnevnog rada u trajanju od 30 minuta, cije koriscenje dogovara sa rukovodiocem organizacionog dela.
Raspored radnog vremena u okviru radne nedelje, odnosno pocetak i zavrsetak radnog vremena, utvrduje rukovodilac organizacionog dela.
Rukovodioci organizacionih delova mogu da izvrse preraspodelu radnog vremena kada to zahteva priroda delatnosti, organizacija rada, bolje koriscenje sredstava rada, racionalnije koriscenje radnog vremena, kao i izvrsenje odredenih poslova u utvrdenim rokovima, tako da ukupno radno vreme zaposlenog moze trajati i duze od radnog vremena predvidenog stavom 1. ovog clana, ali ne duze od zakonom propisanog maksimuma.
9. Zaposleni stice pravo na koriscenje godisnjeg odmora u kalendarskoj godini posle mesec dana neprekidnog rada od dana zasnivanja radnog odnosa kod poslodavca.
Duzina godisnjeg odmora Zaposlenog utvrduje se tako sto se zakonski minimum od xx radnih dana uvecava po osnovu kriterijuma predvidenih Pravilnikom o radu. Godisnji odmor Zaposlenog ne moze biti duzi od xx radnih dana u kalendarskoj godini.
Odluku o koriscenju godisnjeg odmora donosi Poslodavac odnosno neposredni rukovodilac, u zavisnosti od potreba posla, uz konsultaciju sa Zaposlenim.
Zaposleni ima pravo na dvanaestinu godisnjeg odmora iz ovog clana (srazmerni deo) za svaki mesec dana rada u kalendarskoj godini u kojoj je zasnovao radni odnos ili u kojoj mu prestaje radni odnos.
Zaposleni ima pravo na placeno odsustvo u skladu sa Pravilnikom o radu Poslodavca.
10. U slucaju sprecenosti dolaska na posao, Zaposleni je duzan da odmah obavesti svog neposredno pretpostavljenog o odsustvovanju, razlozima i mogucem trajanju odsustvovanja sa rada. Ukoliko je Zaposleni privremeno sprecen da radi u skladu sa propisima o zdravstvenom osiguranju u periodu duzem od 2 uzastopna radna dana, obavezan je da prilozi uverenje od lekara (doznaku). Neposredno pretpostavljeni moze zahtevati od Zaposlenog koji je privremeno sprecen da radi u skladu sa propisima o zdravstvenom osiguranju u periodu kracem od 2 uzastopna radna dana da prilozi uverenje od lekara (doznaku).
11. Poslodavac se obavezuje da obezbedi i sprovodi zastitu na radu u skladu sa zakonom, propisanim merama i normativima zastite na radu. Zaposleni je duzan da se pridrzava propisanih mera zastite na radu.
12. Poverljivost - Zaposleni se obavezuje da nece trecim licima otkrivati podatke koje bude saznao u okviru obavljanja svojih radnih duznosti i cije bi saopstavanje neovlascenom licu bilo protivno poslovanju Banke i stetilo njenim interesima i poslovnom ugledu. Povreda ove obaveze smatra se povredom radne obaveze i daje pravo Poslodavcu na raskid ovog ugovora. Obaveza iz ovog clana ne prestaje ni posle prestanka rada kod Poslodavca.
13. Zaposleni ne moze da radi u svoje ime i za svoj racun kao u ime i za racun drugog pravnog ili fizickog lica poslove za koje je Poslodavac registrovan bez saglasnosti Poslodavca, dok je zaposlen kod Poslodavca (Zabrana konkurencije). Ova zabrana vazi za teritoriju Srbije.
14. Licni podaci - Zaposleni je saglasan da Poslodavac moze, direktno ili indirektno, u svojstvu rukovaoca podataka, da obraduje njegove licne podatke koji su navedeni u ovom Ugovoru, kao i druge licne podatke koje je Zaposleni dao Poslodavcu u vezi sa radom kod Poslodavca ili koji su proizasli iz ili su u vezi sa radom Zaposlenog kod Poslodavca po ovom Ugovoru („Licni podaci"). Pod obradom Licnih podataka podrazumeva se prikupljanje, belezenje, snimanje, kopiranje, umnozavanje, razvrstavanje, pretrazivanje, analiziranje, koriscenje, cuvanje, stavljanje na uvid, otkrivanje, cinjenje dostupnim, prenosenje i iznosenje. Svrha obrade Licnih podataka od strane Poslodavca je izvrsavanje ovog Ugovora, kao i upravljanje, administriranje i unapredivanje radnog odnosa Zaposlenog kod Poslodavca. Obrada Licnih podataka od strane Poslodavca ce trajati onoliko vremena koliko bude razumno potrebno za ispunjavanje prava i obaveza Zaposlenog i Poslodavca iz ovog Ugovora i u vezi sa ovim Ugovorom, kao i za postupanje Poslodavca u skladu sa svim pravnim i regulatornim zahtevima koji u vezi sa ovim Ugovorom postoje ili mogu nastati prema primenljivom pravu.
Zaposleni razume i saglasan je da, radi realizacije svrhe obrade iz stava 1. ovog clana Ugovora, moze biti potrebno cinjenje dostupnim i/ili iznosenje Licnih podataka iz zemlje prebivalista Zaposlenog, i to licima koja su akcionari ili povezana drustava Poslodavca. Poslodavac je obavezan da obezbedi da obrada Licnih podataka od strane tih korisnika bude u potpunosti u skladu sa primenljivim propisima o zastiti podataka o licnosti.
Zaposleni potvrduje da je obavesten i da razume da mu u vezi sa obradom Licnih podataka iz stavova 1. i. 2. ovog clana Ugovora pripadaju sva prava koja su predvidena primenljivim Zakonom o zastiti podataka o licnosti, pod uslovima koji su predvideni tim zakonom, ukljucujuci bez ogranicenja sva prava u vezi sa Licnim podacima i pravnim osnovom njihove obrade (kao sto su, bez ogranicavanja, prava da pristupi podacima, da dobije njihovu kopiju i da trazi njihovu ispravku, dopunu ili brisanje) i pravo na koriscenje pravnih sredstava u vezi sa obradom Licnih podataka koja mu po zakonu pripadaju.
15. Potpisom ovog ugovora zaposleni izjavljuje da je procitao, razumeo i da prihvata odredbe Kodeksa ponasanja i obavezuje se da ce u svemu postupati u skladu sa njim.
Tekst Kodeksa ponasanja kao i Pravilnika o radu i drugih akata Poslodavca objavljen je na Intranet stranici xxxxxx i dostupni su Zaposlenom u svakom momentu (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Krsenje Kodeksa ponasanja smatrace se povredom radne discipline i kao takvo je razlog za otkaz ugovora o radu.
16. Poslodavac ce Zaposlenom omoguciti obrazovanje, strucno osposobljavanje i usavrsavanje kada to zahteva potreba procesa rada i uvodenje novog nacina i organizacije rada.
Poslodavac moze odluciti da Zaposlenog uputi na dodatnu edukaciju, obuke (trening) i strucno usavrsavanje od strane trecih ovlascenih lica, bilo u mestu rada ili drugom mestu, o trosku Poslodavca.
U tom slucaju Zaposleni je obavezan da na radu kod poslodavca ostane jos godinu dana posle zavrsetka edukacije, obuke tj. usavrsavanja na koje je upucen. Ukoliko Zaposleni raskine radni odnos pre isteka navedenog roka od godinu dana, duzan je da Poslodavcu nadoknadi sve troskove proistekle za Poslodavca po osnovu ulaganja u edukaciju, strucno osposobljavanje i usavrsavanje Zaposlenog.
Obaveza Zaposlenog iz prethodnog stava se ne odnosi na pohadanje internih obuka ili kurseva koje svojim zaposlenima pruza neposredno Poslodavac ili njegova povezana lica.
17. Svaka od ugovornih strana moze da otkaze ovaj ugovor, pod uslovima i u slucajevima utvrdenim zakonom, Pravilnikom o radu i ovim ugovorom.
Otkazni rok u slucaju otkaza od strane Zaposlenog je 15 dana.
18. Povreda radne obaveze - Poslodavac moze raskinuti radni odnos u skladu sa Zakonom o radu po osnovu povrede radne obaveze od strane Zaposlenog predvidene ovim Ugovorom, zakonom, Pravilnikom o radu ili drugim opstim aktima Poslodavca, koje povrede narocito obuhvataju:
■ davanje lazne izjave, pogresne interpretacije ili prevare prilikom popunjavanja zvanicnih dokumenata
■ neodgovorno i neovlasceno koriscenje ili krada opreme, materijala ili prostora Poslodavca
■ bilo koji akt koji ima za posledicu ugrozavanje zivota zaposlenih
■ bilo koji akt koji ima za posledicu ugrozavanje efikasnosti rada i reputacije Poslodavca
■ zloupotrebe polozaja i prekoracenja ovlascenja
■ odavanja poslovne tajne
19. Nepostovanje radne discipline - Poslodavac moze raskinuti radni odnos u skladu sa Zakonom o radu i po osnovu nepostovanja radne discipline od strane Zaposlenog predvidene zakonom, Pravilnikom o radu i drugim aktima Poslodavca.
20. Poslodavac moze da Zaposlenom, za povredu radne obaveze ili nepostovanje radne discipline, umesto otkaza ugovora o radu izrekne jednu od mera predvidenih Zakonom i Pravilnikom o radu, ukoliko smatra da postoje olaksavajuce okolnosti, odnosno da povreda radne obaveze ili nepostovanje radne discipline nije takve prirode da Zaposlenom treba da prestane radni odnos.
Disciplinske mere obuhvataju: (1) privremeno udaljenje sa rada bez naknade zarade, (2) novcanu kaznu i (3) opomenu sa najavom otkaza. Pravilnikom o radu su dodatno razradene ove disciplinske mere.
21. Na sve sto nije predvideno ovim ugovorom primenice se opsta akta Poslodavca, odredbe Zakona o radu i drugi propisi Republike Srbije.
22. Celokupnost sporazuma - Ovaj Ugovor predstavlja celokupan medusobni sporazum ugovornih strana i stupanjem na snagu ovog Ugovora prestaju da vaze svi prethodni ugovori koji se odnose na istu materiju
23. U slucaju spora ugovara se nadleznost Treceg Osnovnog suda u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
24. Ovaj ugovor sacinjen je u 3 (tri) istovetna primerka, na srpskom jeziku, od kojih 1 (jedan) primerak za Zaposlenog a 2 (dva) za Poslodavca
Pursuant to Article 1 paragraph 2, Articles 30 – 33 of the Labour Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, Nos. 24/2005, 61/2005, 54/2009, 32/2013 and 75/2014), Article 111 of the Labour Act Amendments (Official Gazette of the RS No. 75/2014), and the Employer’s Employment Policy.
xxxxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxx), xxxxxxxxxxxx xx, Xxxxxxxx (the Employer), concludes a
Contract of Employment
with xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx (the Employee), residing in xxxxxxxxx.
1. The Employee has been employed by the Employer as per this Contract of Employment date xx.xx.2006 and in accordance to all relating Annexes. This Contract of Employment shall be concluded in order to harmonise mutual relations, including the latest Labour Act Amendments, in a comprehensive manner.
2. This Contract of Employment is a permanent contract of employment, with full-time hours, and will enter into force on xx.xx.2006.
3. Rights, obligations and responsibilities of both Parties in regards to employment are regulated by this Contract and by the Employment Policy, in accordance to Law.
4. The Employee will complete all tasks as described by the job description for the position of xxxxxxxxxxx, at the Employer’s Head Office location in xxxxxxx.
The degree of vocational education which is a prerequisite for the completion of tasks as described by the position for which this Contract of Employment is concluded: xth level of vocational education.
The Employee job description, in accordance to the valid systemisation and organisation of tasks at the moment this Contract of Employment is concluded, is attached to this Contract of Employment.
All job descriptions for all positions offered by the Employer, not including positions with job descriptions which are defined by Law, and are in accordance with all provisions as described by the Rulebook on internal organisation and systemisation of tasks and positions which utilise the xxxxx’s Intranet page – xxxxx, available to the Employee at all times, by accessing: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
The Employee has agreed to be transferred to a new position, in accordance to Law.
5. Employment location – the Employee shall conduct all tasks at the Employer’s premises in: Xxxxxx. At the reasonable request of the Employer, the Employee is obliged to work at other premises owned by the Employer, and at locations belonging to related parties or clients. The Employee may be required to travel abroad.
6. The Employee has the right to earn a salary as compensation for completed work and for the time spent at work, which is comprised partly of a basic salary, work performance and increased salary.
The Employee’s basic salary for full-time employment and standard performance amounts to RSD xxxxx (written: RSD xxxxx and xxxx ).
The gross salary amount as defined in paragraph 2 of this Article is the salary which includes taxes and contributions paid out of the gross salary.
The salary earned based on work performance – the Employee may achieve part of their earnings for performance (variable portion of the salary) in accordance with criteria and requirements stipulated by the Employment Policy.
The Employee has the right to increased salary in accordance to the Labour Act and Employment Policy.
The Employee’s salary, additional earnings, and other employee benefits, as determined by this Contract of Employment and the Employment Policy, will be paid out by the Employer, once per month on the last working day of each month, and not later than one month from completion of the accounting period.
The method used to calculate the Employee's salary, in accordance with this Contract of Employment shall be applied as of xx.xx.2014.
7. The Employee is entitled to compensation totalling earnings for the period of absence from work due to public holidays defined by Law as non-working days, annual leave, and paid leave, and responding to state authority summons, in amounts no less than prescribed by the Rulebook on Payslip Content.
The Employee is entitled to compensation in other cases, as stipulated by the Labour Act and Employment Policy.
8. The Employee’s work week is comprised of 40 working hours. According to the rules, each work day is 8 hours in length. The Employee has the right to a 30-minute break during the work day, the use of which shall be agreed with the head of the organisational unit.
The working hours which constitute the work week, i.e. the start and finish of the work day shall be scheduled by the head of the organisational unit.
The head of the organisational unit may redistribute working hours insofar as the nature of the tasks to be performed so require, or the better organisation of said, or the labour resources are better-utilised by doing so, or working hours are better put to use by doing so, or so that certain tasks may be completed within given deadlines, so that the total number of working hours of the Employee may be longer than those stipulated in paragraph 1 of this Article, but no longer than the maximum prescribed by Law.
9. The Employee shall be entitled to annual leave in the calendar year, one month of continuous service starting from the day of commencing work.
The amount of annual leave the Employee is entitled to shall be determined by the legal minimum of xx business days which is then increased in accordance with the criteria stipulated by the Employment Policy. The annual leave of the Employee cannot extend to more than xx business days within the calendar year.
The Decision to use annual leave shall be taken by the Employer, i.e. the direct supervisor, in accordance with the needs of the business, and in consultation with the Employee.
The Employee has the right to 1/12th (one twelfth) of their total annual leave as stipulated in this Article (proportionally) for each month of employment in the calendar year when the Employee commenced employment or in the year that contract of employment is terminated.
The Employee has the right to paid leave in accordance with the Employment Policy.
10. If the Employee must be absent from work, for whatever reason, she/he must immediately inform her/his direct supervisor, explaining why she/he is absent and how long the absence may last. If the Employee is temporarily unable to work in accordance with regulations stipulated by the Health Insurance Act, for a period longer than 2 consecutive days, the Employee is obliged to present a doctor’s certificate (proof of illness). The Employee’s direct supervisor may request of an Employee who is temporarily absent from work, in accordance with the regulations stipulated by the Health Insurance Act, for a period of less than 2 consecutive days to present a doctor’s note (proof of illness).
11. The Employer is obliged to provide and implement Occupational Health and Safety measures and norms as prescribed by Law, the prescribed measures and norms of protection at work. The Employee is required to comply with the prescribed safety measures at work.
12. Confidentiality - The Employee agrees that she/he shall not disclose to third parties information learned while performing tasks as described in their job description and the disclosure of which to an unauthorized person shall be considered contrary to the Bank's operations and harmful to its interests and reputation. Any violation of these obligations shall be considered a violation of working obligations and shall give the Employer terms for dismissal. The obligation stipulated under this Article shall not cease even after the Contract of Employment has been terminated with the Employer.
13. The Employee cannot be under the employ of another natural person or legal entity that is registered to complete the same activities as the Employee without the consent of the Employer while the Employee is employed by the Employer (prohibition of competition). This prohibition applies to the territory of Serbia.
14. Personal data – the Employee agrees to allow the Employer to directly or indirectly process her/his personal data, in the capacity of personal data handler, in order to process her/his personal data as stated in this Contract, as well as other personal data given to the Employer by the Employee regarding the Employee’s employment with the Employer or data that has arisen from or is in connection with the Employee’s job with the Employer, hereinafter stated in this Contract (“Personal data”). Personal data processing is understood as the collection, noting, saving, copying, duplicating, sorting, searching for, analysing, using, storing, disclosing, discovering, making available, transferring and transporting. Personal data processing shall be conducted by the Employer for the purpose of completing this Contract, as well as for the managing, administrating and development of the working relationship between the Employee and the Employer. Personal data processing conducted by the Employer shall last as long as is reasonably necessary for the fulfilment of the rights and obligations of both the Employee and Employer under this Contract and in connection with this Contract, and so that the Employer may proceed in accordance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with this Contract which exist or may arise under applicable Law.
The Employee understands and agrees that, in order to implement the purpose of processing referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article of the Contract, it may be necessary to making available and/or to transfer personal data from the Employee’s country of residence, to shareholders or affiliated companies of the Employer. The Employer is obliged to ensure that the processing of personal data by these users is in full compliance with the applicable provisions governing Personal Data protection.
The Employee confirms that she/he was informed and that she/he understands that with regard to the processing of personal data referred to in paragraphs 1. and 2. of this Article of the Contract all the rights and provisions applicable by the Law on Personal Data Protection apply, under the conditions provided stipulated by the Law, including and without limitation all rights in relation to personal data and the legal basis for their processing (such as, and without limitation, the right to access data, to obtain a copy thereof and to request their correction, amendment or deletion) and the right to use legal remedies in connection with the processing of personal data, which she/he is entitled to under Law.
15. By signing this Contract the Employee declares that she/he has read, understands and accepts the provisions of the Code of Conduct and undertakes that he/she will fully comply with it.
The Code of Conduct as well as the Employment Policy and other Policies of the Employer have been published on the xxxx’s Intranet webpage – xxxxx and is accessible to the Employee at all times xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Any violation to the Code of Conduct shall be regarded as misconduct and as such is reason enough for termination of employment.
16. The Employer shall provide the Employee with education, professional skills training and development when required by the needs of the job and when introducing new methods and organisation of work.
The Employer may take the decision to provide the Employee with additional education, training and professional development though a third party, either at the workplace or at some other location, at the expense of the Employer.
In such case, the Employee shall be obliged to remain under the employ of the Employer for the duration of a year upon completion of said education, training i.e. professional development, provided by the Employer. Should the Employee terminate the Contract prior to the expiration of one year, she/he is obliged to cover all the costs which incurred for the Employer regarding investments in education, professional training and development of the Employee.
The Employee obligation stated in the previous paragraph does not apply to internal training or courses provided directly by the Employer or the Employer’s affiliates to its employees.
17. Each Party may terminate this Contract, under conditions and cases stipulated by Law, by the Employee Policy and this Contract.
The notice period in the event of termination by the Employee is 15 days.
18. Misconduct – The Employer may terminate employment in accordance with the Labour Act on the basis of misconduct on behalf of the Employee, contemplated by this Contract, by Law, by the Employee Policy or other policy of the Employer, which has been breached and in particular the following:
giving false statement, misinterpretation or fraud when completing official documents
irresponsible and unauthorised use or theft of equipment, materials or work spaces provided by the Employer
any conduct which may result in endangering the lives of employees
any conduct which may result in endangering the efficiency of the workplace and reputation of the Employer
abuse of office and exceeding authority
disclosure of confidential information
19. Failure to comply with discipline in the workplace - the Employer may terminate employment in accordance with the Labour Act and on the basis of non-observance of discipline in the workplace on behalf of the Employee stipulated by Law, by the Employment Policy and other internal policies.
20. The Employer may decide not to terminate employment, as envisaged by the Labour Act and the Employment Policy for misconduct or failure to comply with discipline in the workplace on behalf of the Employee, if it considers that there extenuating circumstances exist, and that the behaviour exhibited by the Employee is not as severe enough as to warrant termination.
Disciplinary measures include: (1) temporary suspension from the workplace, without remuneration, (2) a fine (3) a strong warning prior to dismissal. The Employee Policy describes each of these disciplinary measures in further detail.
21. For anything not expressly regulated by this Contract, provisions stipulated by the General Policy of the Employer, provisions of the Labour Act and other provisions of the Republic of Serbia shall apply.
22. Entirety of Contract – This Contract constitutes the entire mutual agreement of the contracting parties and the entry into force of this Contract shall supersede all previous contracts relating to the same subject matter.
23. Any disputes shall be resolved by the Third Municipal Court of Xxxxxx.
24. This Contract is made in 3 (three) identical copies, in the Serbian language, of which 1 (one) copy is for the Employee and 2 (two) for the Employer.
xxxxx, xx.xx.20xx
Serbian to English: Share Transfer Agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Serbian Na osnovu člana 175. Zakona o privrednim društvima („Sl. glasnik RS“ br. 36/2011, 99/2011) ugovorne strane:
1. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx, društvo osnovano u skladu sa zakonima Republike Nemačke (matični broj društva xxx xxxxxx), sa adresom registrovanog sedišta u ulici xxxxxxxxxx br. xx, xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Nemačka, koje zastupa _________
2. Članovi privrednog društva xxxxxxx xxxxxx, xxxxx br. xx sa adresom registrovanog sedišta u xxxxxxx, xxxxx br. xx, Srbija, matični broj društva xxxxxxxx, navedeni u tabeli u članu 1. ovog Ugovora (u daljem tekstu: Prenosioci),
zaključuju dana ____________. godine, u xxxxxx, sledeći:
Član 1.
Predmet ovog Ugovora je prenos udela u privrednom društvu xxxxxx, xxxxxxx br. xx sa adresom registrovanog sedišta u xxxxx, xxxxxxx br. xx, Srbija, matični broj društva xxxxxxxxx, koji pripada Prenosiocima i ukupno čine xxxxx% od ukupnog udela u osnovnom kapitalu Društva, a što na dan zaključenja ovog Ugovora nominalno iznosi ukupno xxxxxxx,00 RSD, u novcu, a pojedinačno kako je to opredeljeno u tabeli za svakog prenosioca pojedinačno, kako dalje sledi:
Br. Matični broj Naziv pravnog lica / Prezime i ime fizičkog lica Novčani kapital
(RSD) Udeo
(%) Naknada za prenos udela u RSD
sa premijom od xxxxx RSD
Ukupno: xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx
Prenosioci ovim Ugovorom prenose, a Sticalac stiče u udele u osnovnom kapitalu Društva, tako što Prenosioci prenose na Sticaoca svoje udele u osnovnom kapitalu Društva, ukupno xxxx % od ukupnog udela u osnovnom kapitalu Društva, nominalne vrednosti xxxxxxx,00 RSD, u novcu, a pojedinačno po članovima prenosiocima kako je to oredeljeno u tabeli u prethodnom stavu ovog člana.
Član 2.
Udeo se prenosi sa naknadom u ukupnom iznosu od xxxxxx,00 RSD, a pojedinačno po savakom od prenosioca kako je to opredeljeno u tabeli u članu 1. ovog Ugovora.
Potpisom na ovom Ugovoru ugovorne strane potvrđuju da je cenu, određenu u prethodnom stavu ovog člana, Sticalac isplatio prilikom potpisivanja ovog ugovora.
Član 3.
Na Sticaoca udela prelaze sva prava i obaveze po osnovu prenetih udela.
Sticalac danom pristupanja, odnosno zaključenja ovog ugovora izjavljuje da je saglasan da stekne predmetne udele u Društvu, da prihvata Osnivački akt Društva, kao i osnivačka prava i obaveze koja su mu ovim Ugovorom preneta (ustupljena), a koja su u skladu sa osnivačkim aktom Društva i Zakonom o privrednim društvima.
Član 4.
Svaki Prenosilac garantuje da je jedini, isključivi i zakoniti vlasnik predmetnog udela u Društvu, da je Društvo osnovano i da posluje u skladu sa zakonima Republike Srbije.
Prenosilac garantuje da nad predmetnom udelu nema prava trećih lica i da nema upisanih ili skrivenih tereta (hipoteke, zaloge, itd) u korist trećih lica.
Član 5.
Prenosilac nema nezmirene obaveze prema Društvu, niti Društvo ima neizmirene obaveze prema Prenosiocu.
Sticalac će snositi sve poreske obaveze, kao i druge troškove koje nastanu po osnovu ovog pravnog posla.
Ugovorne strane su saglasne da se, za slučaj neurednog izvršenja obaveze iz ovog Ugovora, ne može se tražiti raskid ovog Ugovora, već samo prinudno izvršenje i naknada štete koja usled toga nastane.
Član 6.
Ovaj Ugovor među ugovornim stranama proizvodi pravno dejstvo od dana zaključenja.
Prema trećim licima ovaj Ugovor proizvodi pravno dejstvo od dana upisa promene u Registar.
Član 7.
Na osnovu ovog Ugovora, u Registru privrednih subjekata APR-a izvršiće se upis sticanja udela od strane Sticaoca.
Član 8.
Ugovorne strane se obavezuju da ovaj Ugovor overe kod nadležnog organa.
Troškove overe snosiće Sticalac udela.
Član 9.
Ugovorne strane se saglašavaju da se ovaj ugovor sačini u 3 (tri) istovetna primerka, od kojih Sticalac zadržava po 2 (dva), a po 1 (jedan) primerak namenjen je za Agenciju za privredne registre. Ugovorne strane se saglašavaju da Prenosioci imaju pravo da zahtevaju da im Sticalac izda kopiju ovog Ugovora, kao i da o svom trošku zahtevaju od nadležnog subjeta overe, overenu kopiju ili prepis istog.
Translation - English Pursuant to Article 175 of the Company Law (Official Gazette of the RS Nos. 36/2011, 99/2011) the Parties:
1. xxxx, a Company founded in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Germany (Registration Number of the Company xxxxxxxx), seated at xxxxx xxxxxx, Germany, represented by __________
2. Members of the Private Limited Liability Company xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, seated in (name of town) address xxxxxx, Serbia, Registration No. of the Company xxxxxxxxx, listed in the table in Article 1 of this Agreement (hereinafter: the Transferors),
the following is concluded on ___________________ in Xxxxxxxxx:
Article 1
The subject of this Share Transfer Agreement is the transfer of the share to the Limited Liability Company xxxxxxx, seated in (name of town) xxxxxx, address xxxxxxx no.xx Serbia, Registration No. of the Company xxxxxxx, which belong to the Transferors and totals xxxxx% of the total share amount of the capital stock of the Company, which, on the day this Agreement is concluded, totals a nominal sum of RSD xxxxxx in cash, and which is individually divided among the Transferors as is shown in the table below:
No. Identification No. Name of Legal Entity / Surname and Name of Natural Person Mone-tary Capi-tal
(RSD) Share
(%) Share Transfer Fees including a RSD xxxxxx
premium (in RSD amounts)
Total: xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
With this Agreement, the Transferors transfer and the Transferee acquires shares in the capital stock of the Company, in such manner that the Transferors transfer their shares in the capital stock of the Company, in the total amount of xxxxx%, with a total nominal value of RSD xxxxx.00 to the Transferee, in cash, and individually per Transferor Member as is stipulated in the chart in the previous paragraph of this Article.
Article 2
The share shall be transferred with the Share Transfer Fee in a total amount of RSD xxxxxxx.00, and individually per each Transferor as is defined in the chart in Article 1 of this Agreement.
By signing this Agreement the Parties confirm that the price, as it is defined in the preceding paragraph of this Article, has been paid by the Transferee during the signing of this Agreement.
Article 3
All of the rights and obligations of the share are transferred to the Transferee on the basis of the transferred shares.
Upon the day of entering, i.e. execution of the Agreement, the Transferee declares that it agrees to acquire the shares of the Company, which are the subject of this Agreement, to accept the Memorandum of Association of the Company, as well as the Founder’s Rights and Obligations which are transferred to the Transferee through this Agreement (assignable), and which are in accordance with the Memorandum of Association of the Company and Company Law.
Article 4
Each Transferor guarantees that they are the sole, complete and lawful owner of the Company share and that the Company is legitimate and operates in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Serbia.
The Transferors guarantee that no claims of rights over the share exist and that there are no registered or hidden encumbrances (mortgages, stocks, etc.) in favour of any third parties.
Article 5
The Transferor does not have any pending obligations towards the Company, nor does the Company have any pending obligations towards the Transferor.
The Transferee shall be the bearer of all taxes, as well as other expenses which may arise as a result of this legal transaction.
The Parties agree that should a breach in the execution of the obligations stipulated in this Agreement occur, they may not request the termination of this Agreement, but may request Specific Performance and that damages be awarded as compensation for any breach which may occur.
Article 6
This Agreement shall come into legal effect as of the day of its conclusion.
This Agreement shall come into legal effect towards third parties as of the date of entry of the change in the Register.
Article 7
The shares acquired by the Transferee shall be registered in the Serbian Business Registries Agency or SBRA, as per this Agreement.
Article 8
The Parties are obliged have this Agreement verified by a competent authority.
The fees incurred as a result of the verification of this Agreement shall be borne by the Transferee.
Article 9
The Parties agree that this Agreement be made in 3 (three) identical copies, of which the Transferee shall possess 2 (two) copies, and 1 (one) copy shall be in the possession of the Serbian Business Registries Agency. The Parties agree that the Transferors maintain the right to request from the Transferees that they issue the Transferors a copy of this Agreement, and, at the expense of the Transferors, request the competent authority issue a verified copy or a transcript thereof.
Serbian to English: business correspondence
Source text - Serbian Potovani,
Pre svega želimo da Vam se zahvalimo na razumevanju i podršci koju ste nam pružili najtezem periodu poslovanja xxxxxx od njenog osnivanja do danas
Mi smo dali sve od sebe da i u tom periodu budemo iskren i pouzdan partner i sve dogovorene obaveze izmirujemo na vreme. Kao što znate, trudili smo se da vas informišemo o svim aspektima poslovanja koji su bili od značaja za Vaše preduzeće
Ovom prilikom želimo da Vas obavestimo da smo obezbedili potrebnu većinu glasova banaka i ostalih poverilaca za izglasavanje (usvajanje) Plana reorganizacije. Ostalo je još da se to formalno sprovede na sudskom ročištu zakazanom za 18. jul 2014. godine. Smatramo veoma bitnim da napomenemo da je pre nesto vise od mesec dana Sud doneo rešenje kojim se onemogucava sprovodjenje bilo kakvih aktivnosti protiv članica xxxxxx poslovnog sistema. Navedenim rešenjem odblokirani su i svi bankarski računi preduzeća xxxxxx i ne mogu ponovo biti predmet blokade od strane poverilaca. Stoga, preduzeće xxxxxx moze da posluje normalno kao da je glasanje u sudu i formalno obavljeno.
To znaci da buducu kupovinu robe mozemo obavljati preko xxxxxx, koju ce xxxxxx uredno placati.
Stare obaveze ka vama, kao i kupovine koje smo realizovali preko xxxxxx ce se izmiriti prema ranije dogovorenoj dinamici
Sto se tice izvora finansiranja, xxxxxx ih je obezbedila od strane privatnog investicionog fonda xxxxxxxx ( u prilogu je dokument kojim oni to potvrdjuju). Sve ovo prati i operativno restruktuiranje xxxxxx, sa posebnim akcentom na ustede na svim nivoima poslovanja. U duhu toga doneli smo odluka, da smanjimo broj dobavljaca, samim tim povećamo količine, kako bismo na kraju godine ostvarili pravo odredjene boniteti.
Stoga predlazemo da shodno gore navedenom, razmislite o mogucnosti vracanja roka placanja na maksimalnih 120 dana, kao i povecanja kredit limita na 2 miliona eura. To ce omoguciti da postojeci promet povecamo za priblizno 40%.
Za sve neophodno vam stojim na raspolaganju.
Napomena: Nacrt Plana reorganizacije smo vam poslali i on podrazumeva otplatu duga prema bankama sa tri godine grace perioda i jako simbolicnom kamatom u tom periodu, sto ce omoguciti xxxxxx da maksimalno ojaca svoj kes flow, a i nakon tri godine otplatni kapacitet je jako konzervativan, a kamata vise nego korektna.
S postovanjem
Translation - English Dear (name),
To start, we would like to thank you for the understanding and support you have demonstrated during this period. These have been the most difficult times that xxxxxx (company name) has ever experienced in all its years of operation.
We have given our very best to be an honest and reliable business partner during this time and to settle all agreed payables in a timely manner. As you are aware, we have striven to keep you informed of all aspects of our daily operations of key importance to your business.
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that at this time we have secured the necessary majority vote from the bank and other voting creditors to adopt the Reorganisation Plan. At this point, all that is left is the formal implementation at a court hearing, scheduled for 18 July 2014. We feel it is extremely important to mention here that just over a month ago, the Court issued a Decision which prevents the implementation of any action against any member of xxxxxx. With the aforementioned Decision, all bank accounts of xxxxxx have been unblocked and may not be subject to further blockage by creditors. Therefore, xxxxxx is free to operate under standard conditions, as though the judicial vote has already taken place, that is, formally conducted.
This, in turn, means the future purchasing of goods may be performed through xxxxxx, for which xxxxxx shall duly and timely make payments.
Any and all pending obligations towards your company, including purchases made through xxxxxxx, will be duly paid in accordance to our prior agreement.
Regarding our source of funding, xxxxxx has secured said through xxxxxxxxx, a private investment fund (attached is a document from xxxxxxxx, as confirmation). All this is accompanied by the operational restructuring of xxxxxx, with special emphasis on cost cutting, at all levels. With this in mind, we have taken the decision to reduce the number of suppliers, and subsequently increasing quantities, which will enable us to attain a certain level of solvency, by year end.
For this reason and in accordance to the above stated, we kindly ask that you consider reinstating the previous terms of payment of (a maximum) 120 days, as well as our previous credit limit of EUR 2m. This will allow for a 40% increase in existing turnover.
If you have any further questions/concerns, I am at your disposal.
Note: we have sent you a draft copy of the Reorganisation Plan which includes repayment of the bank loan over a three-year grace period, at a symbolic interest rate over the period, which will allow xxxxxx to increase its cash flow significantly. Additionally, after this three-year period, the repayment capacity is very conservative and the interest rate is more than fair.
Kind regards,
Serbian to English: Book excerpt - Genre: Epic fantasy General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Serbian Hladan vazduh pokrio je dolinu kao jastuk. noćno nebo bi lo je vedro, posuto bistrim zvezdama. Dolinom su se valjali sne žni smetovi, a među njima stajala je kuća sa drvenom ogradom na koju se naslanjala dugačka štala. Iz dimnjaka se probijao dim i odlazio u jasnu noć, dok je hladnoću remetila samo škripa ko raka u snegu.
Mladić u ogrtaču krljevske konjice hodao je kroz dvorište, za njim je veselo trčkarao krupan ovčarski pas. Dok se približavao kući noseći cepanice poslagane na podlaktici leve ruke, glava mu je bila blago zabačena na stranu. umršena kosa probijala se ispod šubare, a na krajevima vlasi inje se hvatalo i lepilo za krzno ka puta dajući mladiću još krupniju figuru i pomalo divalj izgled. Blagi pokreti desne ruke i zvižduci koji su razigravali psa, oda vali su zanesenjačku i mladalačku narav.
Vrata su se uz škripu otvorila, unaj je ušao u sobu i pored kamina spustio naramak drva. Skinuo je rukavice, prineo šake vatri i brzo ih protrljao. u senovitom delu sobe drugi mladić je spavao pokriven debelim ćebetom od valjane ovčije i vučje dla ke. Pored kreveta su bile iznošene jahaće čizme sa pokidanom kopčom. unaj je ubacio nekoliko cepanica u kamin, pa je pucke tanje drveta u plamenu bio mio zvuk u hladnoj tišini. Laganim korakom prešao je preko sobe i sa opasača koji je visio na zidu skinuo vrećicu suvog bilja kako bi pripremio čaj, ali ga je prenuo
rezak zvuk. Sačekao je trenutak da se uveri da mu se nije priči nilo, ali zvuk se ponovio i bilo mu je jasno da je to Kristifor koji grebe šapom po drvenim vratima, odlučan da uđe.
– ’ajde, ’ajde – reče blago dok je otvarao vrata, kroz koja je pas munjevito ušao i zaleteo se pravo na krevet. u trenutku su se isprepleli rundavi Kristifor, čupavo ćebe i naglo probuđeni mla dić koji je mrmljao psovke i proklinjao napasnika. Kristifor je elegantno skočio sa kreveta, seo ispred unaja i isplazio jezik na stranu.
– Kunem ti se, unaj, da to nije pas nego podetinjili medved
– reče jori.
– Sad će čaj – mirno reče unaj i pomazi psa, koji se tome beskrajno obradova.
– Kako su konji? – upitao je jori pre nego što se protegao.
– Hladno im je, kao i meni, napolju je opasan mraz. Doneo sam drva, neka stoje malo blizu vatre pre nego što ih podložiš.
Dok su mladići ispijali čaj, Kristifor se sklupčao pored njiho vih nogu i u trenutku zaspao.
– Hvala zemlji na vatri, bez nje ne bismo dugo opstali na hladnoći. I ova sveća što tiho gori i bakrač koji zvecka dok u nje mu vri voda... svega toga ne bi bilo da nije ognja.
– Hladno ti je, pa si opčinjen vatrom – mirno primeti jori i ustade da se još jednom protegne, a onda poče polako da oblači čizme.
– ne, ozbiljno, – reče unaj zagledan u kamin – sećam se kako mi je ujak govorio: „Dečače moj, nekad su ovom zemljom harali zmajevi. nije bilo planine ni reke, pašnjaka i doline gde su ljudi mogli bez straha da žive. Pred njihovom vatrom i silom sve je bežalo i sakrivalo se. Svi kraljevi i vitezovi nisu mogli da ih zaustave. oni su bljuvali vatru i svojom snagom rušili kuće i mostove.“ Pitao sam se kako je moguće da kraljevi i vitezovi, ti ratnici bez premca, na konjima i sa svojim dugačkim kopljima nisu mogli da ubiju zmaja. „Zato što, dragi moj uni, niko nije
mogao da odoli strašnom pogledu zmaja, njegovoj mračnoj duši koja je okretala koplja vitezova jedna na druge, a u konje uteriva la paničan strah od koga su bežali glavom bez obzira“, objasnio mi je ujak.
– a kakve to veze ima sa ovom vatrom kojom se mi grejemo?
– upita jori pomalo zbunjeno, ali zainteresovan ovim pripoveda njem priče iz detinjstva.
– ujak je tvrdio da su samo zmajevi znali tajnu vatre!
– Pa, zmajeva više nema – zaključi jori nekako ravnodušno, jer nije znao šta bi drugo rekao i, pošto se obukao i ogrnuo kr znenim ogrtačem, krenu u obilazak štale.
– Da, jori, nema ih, ali oni će se vratiti da kazne one koji su ukrali tajnu!
– a dok se ne vrate, moraćemo da se borimo sa gladnim vucima ne bismo li sačuvali ove promrzle konje – reče jori šeret ski i otvarajući vrata podviknu: – Hajde, Kristifore, polazi da se pobrinemo za preče poslove, ostavićemo ovog viteza da se brine o zmajevima!
Tek što je otvorio oči, Kristifor je hitro istrčao napolje. nje gova gusta crna i braon dlaka čuvala ga je i od najteže hladnoće. I dok je škripa koraka nestajala u daljini, unaj je pokupio ćebe sa kreveta, istresao ga koliko je mogao od psećih dlaka i legao. Pre nego što je sklopio oči, još jednom je pogledao u vatru. čini lo mu se da ona gori nekom sopostvenom voljom, gurajući pla menom senke po sobi gotovo prkosno. umorni i sleđeni mladić sklupčao se na krevetu. San ga je brzo savladao.
Translation - English A crisp air had blown in, engulfing the valley like an unwelcome guest. The night sky was clear, scattered with glistening stars. Snowdrifts wallowed across the valley floor, and nestled among them stood a lone dwelling, encircled by a wooden fence upon which an elongated barn was propped. A single chimney spewed smoke out into the clear night while the bitter cold was hindered by nothing but the sound of footsteps creaking through the snow.
A young man draped in a cloak of the king’s cavalry walked across the yard, a burly sheepdog trotting happily at his side. He approached the house, his left forearm balancing a stack of carefully placed logs, his head tilted ever so slightly to one side. His matted hair peeked out from under the woollen hat he wore, the ends frostbitten and sticking to his fur coat, which only served to increase his stature, making him all the more brutish-looking. The gentleness with which he moved his right hand and the tune he whistled, signalling play to the dog, exposed his enthusiastic and youthful nature.
The door screeched open, and Unaj walked into the room placing the bundle he’d been carrying next to the fireplace. Peeling off his gloves and manoeuvring his hands in front of the fire, he began quickly to rub them together. In a shadowy corner of the room, another young man was fast asleep under a thick blanket of rolled sheep and wolf skin. Next to the bed stood a pair of worn riding boots, one of the boots had a broken buckle. Unaj tossed a couple logs into the fire and the crackling noise of the burning wood was a welcoming sound penetrating the freezing silence. He gently crossed the room and from a belt hanging on the wall, he removed a bag of dried herbs, wanting to prepare himself a cup of tea. He was then startled by a grinding noise. He waited a split second, confirming that he hadn’t imagined it when the sound recurred, he knew it was Christopher pawing at the wooden door, determined to be let in.
“Alright, alright”, he said softly, as he opened the door the dog promptly bolted in, hurling himself straight onto the bed. In an instant, the shaggy Christopher, the fur-skin blanket and the abruptly awoken young man who mumbled obscenities, cursing his attacker, were intertwined beyond recognition. Christopher then hopped elegantly from the bed and sat in front of Unaj, tongue protruding to one side.
“So help me God, Unaj, that isn’t a dog but a bear cub!” – said Jori.
“Tea’s almost ready.” said Unaj calmly, petting the ecstatic animal.
“How are the horses?” Jori asked before getting up and stretching.
“They’re frozen, as am I, it’s dangerously cold out. I’ve brought in wood, but it needs to dry before we can use it.”
As the two men sipped their tea, Christopher huddled in a ball at their feet, falling instantly asleep.
“Thank the land for giving us fire, without it we wouldn’t last very long in this cold. And this candle which burns so quietly and our cooking pot that clangs as it heats water…all this would be impossible without it.”
“The cold is making you obsess about fire.” Jori calmly notices, standing upright for one more stretch before slowly pulling his boots on, one at a time.
“No, seriously,” said Unaj, gazing steadily into the fireplace, “I remember what my uncle used to say, “Dear boy, this land was once rife with dragons. Not a mountain or river, pasture nor valley existed where humans could live out their lives in peace. Men were forced to run and hide from the fire and power yielded by these beasts. All the kings and knights of this world were incapable of stopping them. They spat hell-fire and with their incredible force they smashed houses and bridges into dust.” I used to ask myself, how could kings and knights, those supreme warriors on horses with long-drawn swords at their sides, be incapable of slaying the dragons. “Because, my dear Unaj, no one could resist that horrific dragon stare, its dark soul turning knight against knight and filling the horses with panic and dread until they could do no more than flee”, my uncle explained.
“And what has all this got to do with the fire that now warms us?” asked Jori, somewhat confused but interested in the confession-like childhood tale.
“My uncle claimed that only dragons knew fire’s secret!”
“But dragons no longer exist,” concluded Jori, somewhat indifferent, not knowing what else to say and because he was now wrapped in the fur cloak, he started towards the barn.
“Yes Jori, they are extinct, but they will one day rise and punish those who have unearthed the secret!
“And, until that day comes, we have to fight off hungry wolves and keep our horses from freezing to death.” said Jori roguishly, opening the door he shouted, “Let’s go, Christopher, we have pressing matters to deal with, we’ll leave this knight in peace to worry about the dragons!”
As soon as his eyes snapped open, Christopher was bound for the door. His thick black-brown coat shielding him from the worst of the cold. As the creaking footsteps disappeared into the darkness, Unaj picked up the blanket, shook as much of the dog hair off as he could and laid down. Before closing his eyes, he glanced once more at the fire. It seemed to be burning of its own free will, thrusting flaming shadows across the room almost spitefully. The tired and chilled young man curled up in bed. Sleep swiftly overtook him.
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Jan 2016.