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English to Somali: English to Somali General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English Re: Your Family Matter
I write further to a telephone conversation I had with your daughter, Hibo, on 28th April. I was telephoning you in order to arrange a further appointment, as your statement is due to be filed with the court by 30th April 2015. I also needed to update with you regarding Ayaan now that she has been located by the police. The Local Authority has informed me that Ayaan has been remanded into a Youth Offending secure unit by Canterbury Crown Court.
There is a further plea and Case Management hearing on 1st May 2015 at which time the Criminal court will confirm whether it intends to keep Ayaan in Youth Offending secure accommodation. If Ayaan is released from Youth Offending secure accommodation, then it is likely that the Local Authority will make a further application for a Secure Accommodation Order in the Family Court.
Unfortunately, I was not able to speak to you as Hibo indicated that you were upset. She stated that you had told her that on the last occasion when I spoke to you with the interpreter (which was Friday 24th April) , both myself and the interpreter had laughed at you when you had said that you were unwell. I completely deny that either myself or the interpreter were laughing. During the conversation I advised you that the Local Authority had informed me that Ayaan was in police custody and was to appear before the criminal court on Saturday 25th. You informed me that you had told the police that Ayaan was at your home. I explained that there might be a further hearing in the family court and that I would keep you updated.
Translation - Somali Tixraac: Arrinta Qooyskaaga
Waxaa kale oo aan qoray wada hadalkii aan ku wada hadalnay taleefoonka aniga iyo gabadhada Hibo, 28kii Abriil. Adiga ayaan ku soo wacayey si aan u diyariyo ballan kale, maxaa yeelay waxaa maxkamadda lagu xareynayaa warbixintadada 30ka bisha Abriil 2015. Sidoo kale waxaan rabay inaan kula socodsiiyo arrinta Ayaan iyada hadda waxaa dejiyay booliiska. Maamuulka dowladda hoose ay waxay ii sheegeen aniga in Ayaan la giliyay xabsika qeybta difaaca ee dambiyada dhalinyarada oo ah maxkamadda Canterbury Crown.
Waxaa kaloo jira codsi dheeraad ah iyo maamuulka dhageysiga dacwadaada 1koowda Bisha May 2015, waqtigaas oo ay maxkamadda dambiyada xaqiijin doonto haddii ay ku tallinayso in ay ku sii hayso Ayaan Hooyga Difaaca ee Dambiyada dhalinyarada. Haddii Ayaan laga soo dayo Hooyga Difaaca Dambiyada ee dhalinyarada waxaa laga yaaba inuu maamuulka dowladda hoose codsi dheeraad ah uu sameeyo Difaaca Amarka Hooyga Maxkamadda Qoyska.
Nasiib darro,Ma aan awoodin in aan kula hadlo adiga sida ay Hibo ii sheegtay waad xanaaqsaneyd. Iyadda waxay kaloo ay ii sheegtay inaad uu sheegtay markii aan kula soo hadalnay aniga iyo turjumaanka labadeena (Jimcihii la soo dhaafay 24kii Abriil), inaan aniga iyo turjumaanka kugu qosolanay markii aad tiri waa xanuunsanahay. Waxaan si buuxda uu diidaya midaas in aniga ama turjumaanka aan kugu qosolnay. intii lagu guda jiray wada hadalka waxaan ku sheegay in maamuulka dowladda hoose ay ii sheegeen in Ayaan ku jirto gacan booliiska iyo in la hor keeni doono maxkamadda
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Years of experience: 10. Registered at Dec 2014. Became a member: Apr 2015.
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