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English to French: Article from The Economist General field: Other Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - English PRAISE heaven for a boring European summit. “This is my first summit without talk of default, break-up or catastrophe,” said Enda Kenny, Ireland’s taoiseach (prime minister). “We had a normal, constructive discussion.” The French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, went even further: “We are not out of the economic crisis, but we are turning the page on the financial crisis.”
A new treaty to impose greater fiscal discipline on euro-zone members and eight others (but not Britain or the Czech Republic) was signed today after being negotiated in record time. The fall in the spreads on bond yields of France and others showed the situation was stabilising, said Mr Sarkozy: “It is a great relief.” The European Union is now trying to turn its attention to promoting longer-term growth.
If Europe can breathe more easily it is thanks in large part to two Italians called Mario. First, Italy’s technocratic prime minister, Mario Monti, has started to pull Italy back from the brink through budget cuts and structural reforms.
More importantly, Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank, has administered a double shot of financial morphine—cheap three-year loans to any euro-zone bank that asks for the money—that has eased the acute pain. But the euro zone is far from cured: there are worrisome symptoms all over.
The leaders have many reasons to engage in happy talk about the euro zone turning the corner: Mr Sarkozy is campaigning for re-election, so wants to take the credit for saving the euro; Mrs Merkel wants to get the world to stop asking for more money; Mr Monti wants to break the Franco-German duumvirate by building alliances with northern liberals on the issue of the single market; Ireland and Portugal want to distance themselves from Greece; and many want to avoid structural reforms that may be even harder than cutting budgets.
Translation - French Dieu merci, nous avons évité un Sommet européen de crise ! "C'est mon premier Sommet où il n’a pas été question de faillite, de sortie de l’euro ou d’autre catastrophe", a déclaré le Premier ministre irlandais Enda Kenny ; "Nous avons eu un Sommet européen normal, avec des échanges constructifs". Le Président Nicolas Sarkozy est même allé plus loin : " Nous ne sommes pas sortis de la crise économique mais nous sommes en train de tourner la page de la crise financière."
Après des négociations-éclair, le nouveau traité européen instaurant une plus grande discipline budgétaire vient d'être signé par les membres de l'eurozone ainsi que huit autres pays à l'exception du Royaume-Uni et de la République Tchèque. Le Président français a souligné que la baisse des spreads obligataires en France et dans plusieurs autres pays semble indiquer une stabilisation de la situation ; « Un immense soulagement », a-t-il ajouté.
Si l’Europe respire, c’est notamment grâce à deux Italiens prénommés Mario. D’abord le Premier ministre Italien, le technocrate Mario Monti, dont les réformes structurelles et la politique d’austérité ont permis de sauver le pays de la crise.
Ensuite, c’est surtout l’action de Mario Draghi, gouverneur de la Banque Centrale Européenne qui, avec la mise à disposition de liquidités illimitées rémunérées à 1% pour trois ans, a permis d’apaiser temporairement les tensions. Mais de nombreux signes d’inquiétude indiquent que la zone euro est loin d’être tirée d’affaire.
Cette avancée de la zone euro vers la sortie du tunnel a de quoi réjouir les leaders européens. A commencer par Nicolas Sarkozy, en pleine campagne électorale, qui s’attribuerait volontiers le sauvetage de l’euro, alors qu’Angela Merkel, de son côté, en a assez d'entendre le monde entier réclamer plus d'argent. Mario Monti voudrait, quant à lui, briser l’hégémonie du couple franco-allemand sur le marché unique en s’alliant avec les pays libéraux du Nord, tandis que l’Irlande et le Portugal souhaitent s’éloigner le plus possible de l’exemple grec. Enfin, beaucoup veulent éviter des réformes structurelles dont les conséquences seraient pires que les plans d’austérité.
English to French: Luxury - Lifestyle / Press release General field: Marketing Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - English A brand that has consistently focused on delivering style and femininity in women’s timepieces since its inception, xxx brings a new sense of style and selection to the forefront. In fact, its iconic, sensually curved xxx watch is one of the most versatile pieces on the market today thanks to its amazing, fast easy-to-use interchangeable strap system.
Translation - French Depuis sa création, xxx a toujours voulu séduire les femmes en créant des pièces d’horlogerie mêlant style et féminité. Aujourd’hui, la marque poursuit son interprétation haut de gamme du style et de l’avant-garde avec sa collection xxx. Cette montre icône, aux lignes sensuelles, offre une réelle polyvalence grâce à un fabuleux système de bracelets interchangeables rapidement et facilement.
Translation education
Master's degree - Ci3M
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Apr 2012.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Smartling, Trados Studio, XTM
I am a native French EN-FR professional translator. I specialize in marketing, corporate communication, economics and international development.
I have a master's in business administration and marketing as well as 8 years of professional experience in marketing and corporate projects at top notch corporations (L'Oreal, LVMH Group). I have been a full time translator for 5 years, and have demonstrated excellent creative writing skills.
Corporate communication: annual reports, investors relations, internal communication documents, press releases, brochures Economics and international development:
- Strategy: print and web content translation for a major international consulting firm (A.T. Kearney: presentation of the firm’s strategic branches, translation of case studies and leadership focused articles)
- Economic literature, microeconomics
- Cooperation and development: presentation and training toolkits (International Refugee Committee, United Nations), executive summaries, quarterly and annual progress reports, funding and grant applications, disease prevention programmes (HIV, tuberculosis, malaria). I have also worked on various projects in the field of microfinance and innovative finance for development. Human resources: training manuals (insurance and luxury products) E-learning: e-learning courses in the field of management and business administration
Marketing and creative translation
- Hotels and tourism: press releases (hospitality products), hotel presentations, website copy
- Luxury products: sales training kit (Dior), press releases (skincare, perfumes), food chronicles, website localization in the field of fashion (Net-à
- Beauty & cosmetics: sales training kit, new product presentation, product launch kit (incl. press releases)
- Fashion: member of the French translation team for luxury fashion website
- IT, website et web apps (social media): enterprise software, cloud infrastructure