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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, Transcription, Training
English to Serbian: BLC4u internet page General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English LANGUAGE LEVEL
English teaching is divided into 6 levels, each one lasting about 6 months. At each level you will cover a great deal of language issues.
One level consists of 6 units (lessons) taking around 120 hours of study.
The majority of students in our school study twice a week for 2 hours.
Translation - Serbian NIVO JEZIKA
Predavanje engleskog jezika je podeljeno na 6 nivoa, i svaki traje oko 6 meseci. Na svakom nivou ćete pokriti puno oblasti iz jezika.
Svaki nivo se sastoji od 6 jedinica (lekcija) koji traje oko 120 sati.
Većina učenika u našoj školi uči dva puta nedeljno po 2 sata.
English to Serbian: Movie trailer - Gray State General field: Other Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English GRAY STATE SYNOPSIS
The world reels with the turmoil of war, geological disaster, and economic collapse, while Americans continue to submerge themselves in illusions of safety and immunity. While rights are sold for security, the federal government, swollen with power, begins a systematic takeover of liberty in order to bring about a New World Order.
Americans, quarantined to militarized districts, become a population ripe for tyrannical control.
Svet je u stanju rata, geološke katastrofe i ekonomske propasti, dok Amerikanci nastavljaju da žive u iluziji bezbednosti i imuniteta. Dok se prava prodaju radi sigurnosti, federalna vlada, puna moći, počinje sa sistematskim oduzimanjem slobode kako bi se doveo Novi Svetski Poredak.
Amerikanci, koji su u karantinima u vojnim okruzima, postali su stanovništvo zrelo za tiransku kontrolu.
English to Serbian: AE911Truth web page General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - English Review the forensic evidence from the crime scene such as sudden onset of destruction, free-fall symmetrical collapse, un-ignited nanothermite and iron spheres in the WTC dust, sounds/flashes and explosions, pyroclastic-like clouds, demolition waves, and total dismemberment of the steel structures.
Translation - Serbian Pregledajte forenzičke dokaze sa mesta zločina, kao što su nagli početak uništenja, simetrično rušenje slobodnim padom, nezapaljeni nanotermit i gvozdene sfere u prašini STC-a, zvuci/munje i eksplozije, užareni oblaci, talasi demolicije i totalni raspad čeličnih struktura.
English to Serbian: Video presentation subtitle General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Physics
Source text - English I look as NIST’s claim that Building 7 took 5.4 seconds
for the top of the roofline to descend to level of the 29th floor.
I wanted to address the question:
“What was going on when the NIST team started their clock?”
The answer: not much!
The video I created at the time showed my actual process of discovery.
I stepped through the video and counted frames.
I’ve since created a more graphic illustration
of the famous 5.4 seconds interval.
This time I’ve added a clock to the frames.
Each full cycle marks one second.
Here is the 5.4 second interval.
Here it is again in slow motion.
Notice that the building doesn't start falling right away.
The flagrance of the deceit is most apparent
when the video is run backward in slow motion.
Translation - Serbian Gledam NIST-ovu tvrdnju da je Zgradi 7 trebalo 5.4 sekundi
za gornji deo krova da padne do nivoa 29. sprata.
Hteo da postavim pitanje:
,,Šta se događalo kada je NIST-ov tim uključio svoj sat?''
Odgovor: ne baš puno!
Video koji sam napravio u to vreme pokazuje moj proces otkrivanja.
Prošao sam kroz video i brojao frejmove.
Od tada sam napravio još grafičkih ilustracija
poznatog intervala od 5,4 sekunde.
Ovog puta sam frejmovima dodao sat.
Svaki pun krug predstavlja jednu sekundu.
Evo ga interval od 5.4 sekunde.
Evo ga opet usporeno.
Primetite da zgrada ne počinje odmah da pada.
Miris obmane je najočigledniji
kada se video pusti usporeno od nazad.
Years of experience: 15. Registered at Oct 2010.
I am a native Serbian and I have obtained MSc in Mathematics at University of Nis. I have 6 years of experience in translating and subtitling various texts (English to Serbian and Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian to English), such as:
- legal certificates
- waste management presentations
- websites and web content (online shop, petition)
- English, Science, Architecture lessons and videos
- pet food ingredients labels
- CVs and projects' description of architects, engineers, designers, managers...
- Iphone apps
- DVD movies and trailers
- product brochures
- medical and mechanical surveys
- IT
My areas of expertise are: Mathematics, Statistics, Financial Derivatives, IT, Science, Computer Science.
IT skills: Office 2007, Trados 2009, LibreOffice, POedit and SubtitleWorkshop.
For references, please go to my Elance and Proz profile: