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Sample translations submitted: 2
Slovenian to English: CONTRACT - confidential information General field: Other Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Slovenian 1. Zaupne informacije.
»Zaupne informacije« vključujejo, vendar niso omejene na, pisne ali ustne informacije, ki se nanašajo na poslovne aktivnosti in operacije, finančne informacije, poročila, študije in druge tehnične in poslovne informacije povezane s Podjetjem. Obveznost zaupnosti v odstavku 3 spodaj se ne nanaša na informacije Podjetja, za katere Prejemnik lahko dokaže: (a) da jih je poznal v času razkritja s strani Podjetja in jih Prejemniku ni potrebno hraniti kot zaupne, kar dokazujejo pisni zapisi; (b) da je splošno javno znana ali je postala znana s pooblaščenim razkritjem, ki ne krši te pogodbe; (c) da jo je Prejemnik razvil neodvisno brez uporabe zaupnih informacij, kar dokazujejo pisni zapisi; ali (d) da jo je Prejemnik zakonito pridobil od tretje osebe, k ima pravico razkriti informacijo.
2. Varovanje zaupnih informacij. Prejemnik potrjuje, da Podjetje smatra svoje zaupne informacije za posebna, dragocena in edinstvena sredstva. Prejemnik se zase in, kjer se uporabljajo, v imenu svojih uradnikov, direktorjev, posrednikov in zaposlenih dogovori o naslednjem:
(a) Prejemnik ne bo razkril zaupnih informacij tretjim osebam. Prejemnik bo zaupne informacije uporabil samo za namen in jih ne bo uporabil v svojo korist. V nobenem primeru ne bo Prejemnik uporabil manj kot razumno mero pazljivost pri varovanju zaupnih informacij. V nobenem primeru ne bo Prejemnik uporabil manjše mere pazljivosti za zaščito zaupnih informacij, kot bi jo uporabil za svoje informacije, katere Prejemnik smatra zaupne;
(b) Prejemnik bo omejil razkritje in razpravo o zaupnih informacijah izključno na zaposlene, strokovnjake ali svetovalce Podjetja, katere Podjetje identificira Prejemniku kot primerne osebe, ki imajo potrebo po seznanitvi s takimi informacijami (skupno »imenovani zaposleni«), da izpolnijo namen, in bodo upoštevali previdnostne ukrepe, da zagotovijo, da zaupne informacije niso razkrite drugim osebam, ki niso imenovani zaposleni.
Translation - English 1. Confidential information
"Confidential Information" includes, but is not limited to, all written and oral information regarding Company's business activities and operations, financial information, reports, studies and other technical and business information relating to the Company. The confidentiality obligation provided for under paragraph 3 hereunder shall not apply to Confidential Information for which the Recipient can clearly demonstrate: (a) that it was known to the Recipient prior to disclosure by the Company and was not deemed confidential, as evidenced by Recipient's written records; (b) that it is or becomes publicly available through rightful disclosure without a breach of this Agreement; (c) that it was developed by the Recipient independently of use of Confidential Information, as evidenced by Recipient's written records; or (d) that it was rightfully received by the Recipient from a third party without the confidentiality obligation.
2. Confidential information protection The Recipient recognizes that Confidential Information constitutes special, valuable and unique assets of the Company. The Recipient agrees on its own behalf and that of its officers, managers, agents and employees as follows:
(a) The Recipient shall not disclose Confidential Information to any third party. The Recipient agrees to use Confidential Information solely for the purposes of this Agreement and shall not use it for its own benefit. Under no circumstances shall the Recipient use less than reasonable degree of care to protect Confidential Information. Under no circumstances shall the Recipient use less than the same degree of reasonable care to protect Confidential Information as it would for its own Confidential Information.
(b) The Recipient agrees to restrict disclosure and discussion of Confidential Information only to those of the Company's employees, professionals and advisers, who are identified by the Company as having a need to know such information (collectively, "Selected Employees") in order to effect the purposes of this Agreement, and who will undertake security measures to ensure that Confidential Information does not become available to any person other than them.
English to Slovenian: Agreement (EU)
Source text - English Article 101: Establishment of the Free Trade Area
The Parties to this Agreement, consistent with Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, hereby establish a free trade area.
Article 2005: GATT Dispute Settlement
Disputes regarding any matter arising under both this Agreement and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, any agreement negotiated thereunder, or any successor agreement (GATT), may be settled in either forum at the discretion of the complaining Party.
Article 2202: Amendments
1. The Parties may agree on any modification of or addition to this Agreement.
2. When so agreed, and approved in accordance with the applicable legal procedures of each Party, a modification or addition shall constitute an integral part of this Agreement.
Article 2203: Entry into Force
This Agreement shall enter into force on January 1, 1994, upon an exchange of written notifications certifying the completion of necessary legal procedures.
Article 2204: Withdrawal
A Party may withdraw from this Agreement six months after it provides written notice of withdrawal to the other Parties. If a Party withdraws, the Agreement shall remain in force for the remaining Parties.
Translation - Slovenian Article 101: Establishment of the Free Trade Area
The Parties to this Agreement, consistent with Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, hereby establish a free trade area.
Article 2005: GATT Dispute Settlement
Disputes regarding any matter arising under both this Agreement and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, any agreement negotiated thereunder, or any successor agreement (GATT), may be settled in either forum at the discretion of the complaining Party.
Article 2202: Amendments
1. The Parties may agree on any modification of or addition to this Agreement.
2. When so agreed, and approved in accordance with the applicable legal procedures of each Party, a modification or addition shall constitute an integral part of this Agreement.
Article 2203: Entry into Force
This Agreement shall enter into force on January 1, 1994, upon an exchange of written notifications certifying the completion of necessary legal procedures.
Article 2204: Withdrawal
A Party may withdraw from this Agreement six months after it provides written notice of withdrawal to the other Parties. If a Party withdraws, the Agreement shall remain in force for the remaining Parties.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - the Faculty of Arts
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Sep 2010.
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