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Turkish to English: Geri Dönüş Yolunda - The Road to Recycling General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - Turkish Varlıklarını kanıksadığımız pek çok şeyi bir kez daha düşünelim: Kağıt, bir zamanlar ağaçtı; camsa kum. Metal dediğimiz, kayaçtan koparılan cevher. Plastikse petrol... Ve bu kaynakların hiçbiri sonsuz değil. İşte bu yüzden geri kazandırğımız her şey, yalnızca doğaya değil, gündelik yaşamımıza da dönüyor.
Hızlı sanayileşme ve kentleşme, aynı hızla insan yaşamını doğadan ayırdı. Ama doğal kaynaklar tükenme noktasına yaklaşırken, zihinsel bir dönüşüm kaçınılmaz. Çağ, modern yaşamı yeniden doğayla uzlaştırma çağı.
Translation - English Let us reconsider some of the many things whose existence we take for granted: paper was once trees; glass was sand. What we call metal was an element extracted from rocks. Plastic was once oil... And none of these resources are limitless. This is why everything that we recycle returns not only to nature but also to our daily lives.
Along with rapid industrialisation and urbanisation, human life has just as quickly become detached from nature. But as natural resources begin to run out, an intellectual transformation is unavoidable. We are entering an era in which modern life must be reconciled with nature.
French to English: Border Bistro General field: Art/Literary
Source text - French RÉSUMÉ
Le long de la frontière linguistique qui sépare Wallons (francophones) et Flamands (néerlandophones) les habitués des troquets à cheval sur les „deux Belgiques“ nous racontent l’expérience de l’altérité qu’ils vivent au quotidien, abordant entre crainte et espoir la possibilité de voir un jour leur pays coupé en deux. 800 km plus à l’Est, les frontaliers tchèques et slovaques évoquent eux, l’anniversaire du « divorce de velours » qui aura vu se dissoudre 20 ans auparavant la Tchécoslovaquie.
À travers l’exploration de cafés frontaliers et de leur mémoire, « Border Bistro » vient mettre en résonance deux frontières à la fois proches et lointaines qui nous éclairent sur le passé et le futur de l’Europe. De l’anecdote au récit de vie en passant par l’analyse politique, une multitude de témoignages et de points de vue croisés révèlent les problématiques qui animent les citoyens à l’échelle locale, nationale et européenne dans le contexte de crise identitaire, politique et financière que connaît l’U.E. actuellement. L’occasion de mettre à table fonctionnaires de Bruxelles et piliers de comptoir, politiciens et simples citoyens dans une traversée en deux temps de notre Europe contemporaine.
« Border Bistro » prendra la forme d’une documentation riche et ludique utilisant le support d’un site internet. Celui-ci servira de base pour la création de deux installations interactives qui voyageront simultanément durant le printemps et l’été 2013 le long des deux « frontières ». Ce projet sera auparavant lancé à l’occasion du festival « Frontières» de Thionville (F) et se fera en coopération avec de nombreux partenaires locaux belges, slovaques et tchèques.
Translation - English SUMMARY
Along the linguistic border that separates the Walloon (French speaking) and Flemish (Dutch speaking) communities, regulars of bistros straddling the “two Belgiums” tell us of the sense of otherness that they experience, speaking, with something between fear and hope, about the possibility of one day seeing their country split in two. 800 kilometres further east, the inhabitants of the Czech-Slovak border recall the anniversary of the “Velvet Divorce” that led, 20 years ago, to the dissolution of Czechoslovakia.
Through the exploration of border cafés and the memories attached to them, “Border Bistro” compares the borders of two countries that are at once close and distant, and that shed light on the past and on the future of Europe. From anecdotes to personal stories via political analysis; various testimonies and differing points of view reveal the issues that concern citizens at a local, national and European level within the context of the various crises currently faced by the EU. This project creates an opportunity to bring together Brussels officials and café regulars, politicians and ordinary citizens in a two-stage journey across contemporary Europe.
“Border Bistro” will take the form of a rich and fun online resource. The website used will serve as a basis for the creation of two interactive installations, which, during the spring and summer of 2013, will travel simultaneously along the two “borders”. Before they embark on this journey the project will be launched at the “Frontières” festival in Thionville (F). The project will be carried out in cooperation with various local partners in Belgium, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Leeds
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Oct 2005.
Turkish/French to English translator based in Istanbul. My specialist subjects are education, ecology/environment and international affairs. I completed an MA in interpreting and translation at the University of Leeds in2006 and worked as an interpreter training assistant at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul.