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German to English
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Rate vendor Manage list Michael Hudson Canis Linguam Sensoris United States
Local time : 13:50 CST (GMT-6)
Native in : English
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber .
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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Desktop publishing Specializes in: Advertising / Public Relations Marketing Manufacturing Media / Multimedia Automation & Robotics Electronics / Elect Eng History Medical (general) General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Medical: Health Care
Also works in: Agriculture Automotive / Cars & Trucks Business/Commerce (general) Computers (general) Cooking / Culinary Energy / Power Generation Engineering (general) Engineering: Industrial Environment & Ecology Food & Drink Forestry / Wood / Timber Geography Government / Politics Law (general) Livestock / Animal Husbandry Management Mechanics / Mech Engineering Poetry & Literature Printing & Publishing Real Estate Ships, Sailing, Maritime Telecom(munications) Textiles / Clothing / Fashion Tourism & Travel Wine / Oenology / Viticulture Other
PRO-level points: 42 , Questions answered: 13 Sample translations submitted: 1 German to English: Sample translations available upon request. Source text - German Gerne sende ich Ihnen eine Probeübersetzung. Translation - English Sample translations available upon request.
Agriculture Animal Husbandry , Automotive , Boating Fishing Hunting Shooting , Business Technical Trade , Culture Society , Dog Training , Energy , Environment , Fashion , Food and Drink , Forestry Wood Products , Government , IT , Marketing Advertising Media , Transportation More
Other - University of Stuttgart Years of experience: 47. Registered at Jul 2009. N/A N/A N/A Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio Michael Hudson endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1) .
Thirty-eight years of B2B translation experience Picture courtesy Munich, Germany Advertising Marketing Multimedia Trade Shows
Keywords: marketing communications, advertising, news release, product announcement, sell sheet, brochure, catalog, customer newsletter, CD, DVD. See more . marketing communications, advertising, news release, product announcement, sell sheet, brochure, catalog, customer newsletter, CD, DVD, website content development, website localization, management report, business report, trade show, conference
Marketingkommunikation, Werbung, Pressemitteilung, Produktankündigung, Verkaufsblatt, Broschüre, Katalog, Kundenzeitschrift, Website-Inhalt, Website-Lokalisierung, Geschäftsbericht, Messen, Tagungen
electrical engineering, industrial application, automation, process automation, factory automation, manufacturing, production, sensor, quality control, process control, test, inspection, research, development, technology, optoelectronics
Elektrotechnik, industrielle Anwendungen, Automatisierung, Prozessautomation, Fabrikautomation, Fabrikation, Fertigung, Sensoren, Qualitätskontrolle, Prozesssteuerung, Testen, Prüfen, Forschung, Entwicklung, Technik, Optoelektronik
Electronics, machine tools, assembly, automotive, material handling, packaging, food, beverage, fashion
Elektronik, Werkzeugmaschinen, Montage, Automobilindustrie, Fördertechnik, Logistik, Verpackung, Nahrungsmittelindustrie, Genussmittelindustrie, Getränkeindustrie, Mode. See less . Profile last updated Sep 21, 2016