• 2008, September until present day Collaboration in Babelia, Traduções, Lisbon.
• 2008, June Up to September Collaboration in BOLD: Burden of Lung Disease Initiative, Lisbon.
• 2008, May Collaboration in Pneumobil Project: Questionnaire about Respiratory Diseases, Lisbon.
• 2008, April Up to December Collaboration in diverse events for the mark ‘Mais Perto’, Lisbon.
• 2007, October Collaboration in Portugal Masters 2007, Vilamoura.
• 2007, September Up to 2008, March Advertising for the temporary work company ‘Randstad’, Lisbon.
• 2007, September Up to December Colaboration in diverse events for the mark ‘Mais Perto’, Lisbon.
• 2006, July Up to 2006, September Bartender in ‘Barraca’, in Praia da Areia Branca, Lourinhã.
• 2005, July Up to 2006, June Waitress in ‘Restaurante D. Luís’, Vimeiro, Lourinhã.
• 2004, September Up to 2005, June Attendance in the Stationery store ‘Avenida’, Ribamar, Lourinhã.
• 2004, June Up to 2004, August Receptionist in ‘Residencial O Braga’, Vimeiro, Lourinhã.
• 2004, September Up to 2008, October
Degree in Languages, Literature and Cultures: Portuguese and German Studies, at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Curricular Plan:
- German A2.1
- German A2.2
- German B1.1
- German B1.2
- German B2.1 (*)
- German B2.2 (*)
- German Culture of the 19th Century
- German Culture of the 20th Century (*)
- Greek Classic Culture
- Portuguese Culture of the 20th Century
- German Literature of the 19th Century (*)
- German Literature of the 18th Century
- German Literature of the 20th Century (*)
- Portuguese Literature of the Renaissance
- Portuguese Literature of the 17th and 18th Century
- Portuguese Literature of the 20th Century
- History of the Portuguese Language (*)
- Introduction to Linguistics (*)
- Portuguese Linguistics
- German Linguistics (*)
- OPTION A (Sócrates/Erasmus) (*)
- Metodology of the Cientific Works
- Introduction to the Culture Studies
- Comparative Studies
- Introduction to the Literature Studies
- German Seminar
- German Media
(*) Unit attended at the FREIE UNIVERSITAET BERLIN (ERASMUS Program).
Opcional Units:
- History of the International Relations of the 20th Century
- Contemporary International Politics (Regional Issues)
- Diplomatic Practice
- Human Ecology
• 2006, July Sommerkolleg 2006 (Seminaries Program of German and Austrian Culture), Colares, Sintra.
• 2005, July Sommerkolleg 2005 (Seminaries Program of German and Austrian Culture), Payerbach, Viena, Áustria.
• 2006, September to 2007, August Program Erasmus at the Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
• 2001, September to 2004, August High School at the Escola Secundária Madeira Torres, em Torres Vedras. |