A day in the life of a translator

Format: In-person/on-site training
Topic: Business of Translation and Interpreting

Course summary
Start time:Jul 28, 2010 17:00 GMT     Add to calendar

Location: London
Time: 3 hours
Dates: Wednesday 28th July (eve)
The life of a translator - a taster course
A taster course for anyone with knowledge of a foreign language who is interested in finding out more about today’s translation industry and the realities of being a translator. Includes:

• Exploding some translation myths – Is knowing another language all that’s needed to be a translator? Is translation the same as interpreting?
• Pathways into the industry – Experience and formal qualifications
• A translator’s typical day – A mock diary for a day
• Do I have the right personality to be a translator? Quiz
• The translation industry today – in-house vs. freelance work, agencies vs. private clients, technology
• Where to find out further information

BIOGRAPHY: Claire has extensive experience in the education field and is a freelance translator and consultant/trainer in education and translation.
She also has experience teaching on the MSc Translation course at Imperial College and the MA Translation course at London Metropolitan.
Price and payment information
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£90 + VAT

To find out more, email [email protected]
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Atlas Trans    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Our trainer is a freelance translator who has used SDL Trados extensively and loves it. She understands the software and how translators should use it and what you need to know to get started and to learn more. She is passionate about translation memory software and her enthusiasm is quite inspiring.
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