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Powwow: Warszawa - Poland
Could not come yesterday, I was too tired and a little sick. I hope you had a wonderful evening | | |
It was my first powwow and definitely not the last one! Thanks for the meeting! | | |
Magda Dziadosz Poland Local time: 03:19 Member (2004) English to Polish + ...
ale serdeczne podziękowania dla wszystkich!
Wprowadziłam już listę obecności do systemu, a więc stan konta BrowniZ powinien się wszystkim powiększyć o 200 Nie udało mi się zlokalizować profili 4 osób z listy: Magdaleny, Mariusza, Ireneusza i Aleksandry - proszę o kontakt, bo innaczej brałnisiów nie będzie.
Zdjęcia pojawią się pewnie jutro.
Pozdrawiam wszystkich serdecznie,
Magda | |
Özden Arıkan Germany Local time: 03:19 Member English to Turkish + ... Thank you, Magda. | Feb 22, 2009 |
It was a nice powwow, it was great to be there with you all. Thank you! | | |
Magda Dziadosz Poland Local time: 03:19 Member (2004) English to Polish + ... |
Yolanda Broad United States Local time: 22:19 Member (2000) French to English + ... MODERATOR Very nice Powwow! | Feb 22, 2009 |
Thank you for entertaining us out-of-towners! We had a lovely time. | | |
It was great to meet you | Feb 23, 2009 |
Thanks so much for a lovely evening!
I hope I can spend more time in Warsaw sometime - everyone gave us such a fantastic welcome.
See you again soon, I hope.
Christine | |
I was two hours late and had to leave early but the evening was great anyway. Unexpectedly, the meeting has sparked a new interest in me. It's called Armenia:-) | | |
Thanx to evryone! | Feb 23, 2009 |
for the gret atmosphere! It was my 1st but not last powwow. I'm really glad I had chance to meet and talk to other translators: learn from them and see that you're all very friendly people! special thans for Magda - for organising the event. | | |
Steffen Walter Germany Local time: 03:19 Member (2002) English to German + ... Thank you very much, Magda, ... | Feb 23, 2009 |
... for organising this very nice event! | | |
Uldis Liepkalns Latvia Local time: 04:19 Member (2003) English to Latvian + ... Thank you all! | Feb 23, 2009 |
Thanks people, was nice to meet all of you and special thanks to Magda! Uldis | |
Magda, you did it again! | Feb 23, 2009 |
Thank you so much for this wonderful evening. Met some very interesting people! | | |
Khanda Poland Local time: 03:19 Polish to English + ...
I started out on Proz quite recently and I can't imagine a better start that this powwow - it's so encouraging to meet the people in real world and see the men behind the interface.
A really good meeting. | | |
One thousand of cheerful thanks for everyone and especially for Magda.
Franela | | |
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