Off topic: Reactions when rereading your past translations
Thread poster: RominaZ
RominaZ  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
+ ...
Aug 4, 2015

This thread is part of the Translator playground: a place for translators to have fun, to network, to learn, and to hone their translation or linguistic skills. See the announcement here.

Need a quick break from work? In this forum translators and language professionals can share quotes about translation, tongue twisters and word plays, translation challenges, etc.

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How do you feel when you read a translation you have done in the past and already delivered to the client? Is your reaction similar to any of the ones depicted in this image?


Also see this discussion on "The fear of rereading a translation after you've sent it".

GHANIA Khalifa
GHANIA Khalifa  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:20
Arabic to English
+ ...
Yes Aug 4, 2015

Yes, you are right.

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:20
Member (2003)
Danish to English
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All of the above... Aug 5, 2015

... except the orange flame.

I'm still struggling. Every time I solve a problem, clients just find something even more challenging. Or maybe the world just moves on!

Helena Chavarria
Helena Chavarria  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:20
Member (2011)
Spanish to English
+ ...
I agree Aug 5, 2015

Christine Andersen wrote:

... except the orange flame.

I'm still struggling. Every time I solve a problem, clients just find something even more challenging. Or maybe the world just moves on!


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Reactions when rereading your past translations

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