sexy bitch 狐狸精 or 骚狐狸 or 骚娘们儿
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Language pair: | English to Chinese |
Definition / notes: | These are all possible translations, and could be more in some situation other than between freinds. Which one to choose depend on the context of the speech and maybe on the gender of the speaker. Literally ‘骚蹄子’is a very good translation too, if not the best. But the drawback is that phrase is not used in today even amoung the people live in Beijing. So most Chinese people don't understand it. And it is used mainly between lady friends. ‘狐狸精’refers to fox fairies in Chinese legend stories who usually take the shapes of young ladies, beautiful, sexy, attractive, kind, smart, and sometimes dangerous. It is a complex of feellings toward beautiful women. ‘骚狐狸’has the same meaning but emphasized more on the sexiness. Like the English word 'bitch', these are negative words oringinally. But between close friends, it expresses strong feellings of love with flavour of slight jealous, the listeners will not be hurted as they know they are loved. If the speaker is a man, and has very close relationship with the lady, ‘骚娘们儿’could also be used, although it is usually used as cursing words. When a man is strongly tempted by a woman but feels rejected, he might use the phrase. |
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