Translation glossary: Liz Askew's French-English medical glossary

Showing entries 401-450 of 487
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sans accélérationwithout blood flow acceleration 
French to English
sans atteinte élective apicaleno specific apical involvement 
French to English
sans conflit ostéoradiculairewithout radicular involvement 
French to English
scémas inconditionnels et conditionnelsunconditional and conditional schemas 
French to English
sclérohypertrophique(slight) sclerotic and hypertrophic changes 
French to English
sclérose cervico-prostatiquebladder neck and prostatic obstruction 
French to English
SDIRDeputy Director 
French to English
se combinant spécifiquement de façon immunologique ou immunochimique àbind specifically to a designated antigen, either immunologically or immunochemically 
French to English
se ha descartado la existencia de anomalías sugestivasthe existence of abnormalities suggesting chronic disease has been ruled out 
Spanish to English
sepsis par probable translocation à un point de depart digestif.Sepsis probably due to bacterial translocation from the gastrointestinal tract 
French to English
seringue autopulséesyringe pump 
French to English
severe pulmonary compromiseatteinte pulmonaire sévère 
English to French
SFIUno urinary symptoms 
French to English
She has forewatersla poche des eaux/le liquide se trouvant devant la tete du bébé 
English to French
shifted and focused attentiondéplacement de l'attention (attention "divisée") et attention focalisée 
English to French
Signale qq poussées son sondeindicates/reports several catheter-related bladder spasms 
French to English
Signe d'éperonclaw sign 
French to English
signes de surchargesigns of fluid overload 
French to English
site d'oxygénationaltitude training centre / altitude centre 
French to English
sortie hémodynamiqueend of haemodynamic support 
French to English
sorties en ville de spécialités hospitalièresspecialist medicines, once the reserve of hospital pharmacies, now going to the towns 
French to English
soufflecreates a murmur 
French to English
souleve-veinevein-lifting device 
French to English
spsans particularité = unremarkable/normal 
French to English
Staff: chirurgie recuséeTeam meeting (or case conference): surgery ruled out 
French to English
STAGE EN LIMITATION D'AUTONOMIEplacement in care services/centre for people with reduced autonomy 
French to English
French to English
stomie à ballonnetballoon gastrostomy tube 
French to English
stratégie dynamique d'asymmétriedynamic postural control and asymmetry 
French to English
English to French
subconscience psychiquesubconscious mind 
French to English
subsalicylatesous salicylate de bismuth 
English to French
sucs ?succinylcholine 
English to French
suivi avec issue du cycle[a single stimulated cycle]....will be followed (up) with a [transfer] cycle outcome 
French to English
sur dissociation cardiocirculatoireelectromechanical dissociation 
French to English
sur dossierusing medical records/health records 
French to English
sur OMby Physician's Order 
French to English
surchargeexcess [body] fat 
French to English
symptomatic carpal bossingcarpe bossu symptomatique 
English to French
syndrome de prise de greffeengraftment syndrome 
French to English
Syndrome ganglio-tumoral pariétalparietal [and axillary] tumor and lymph node involvement 
French to English
syndrome jonctionnelHe still has/presents with symptoms of involvement of the left optic nerve and chiasm, which are 
French to English
syndrome traumatiqueno sign (head) of trauma 
French to English
SZASZkinetic photometric method (Szasz) 
French to English
tableau biologiquelaboratory findings 
French to English
tableau biologiquelaboratory findings 
French to English
tassements vertébraux cunéiformeswedge-shaped fractures of the spine 
French to English
temps artério-portalarterial and portal venous phase 
French to English
temps de céphaline kaolin (TCK)Kaolin cephalin clotting time 
French to English
territoire d'appartenancecatchment area 
French to English
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