If you and other colleagues you know have considered ProZ.com membership but not yet taken that leap, here is a chance to get together as a team, start making use of the benefits, services and client contact at ProZ.com, and to do it for less. In fact, the more people on your team, the more you all save on your investment. You can collectively save up to 240 USD off the regular price of membership when you purchase as a group.
(2) New translation contest open to all: The comic life of a translator
New translation contest open to all: The comic life of a translator
A new translation contest is open for submissions, featuring everyone's favorite cartoon translator, Mox.
For this contest, if you are not a paying ProZ.com member but would like to participate in a language pair where membership is required anyway, you can. See this post for more details: https://www.proz.com/topic/343291
Submit your entry in this contest: https://www.proz.com/translation-contests/59
(3) New Business membership feature in directories: personalize your batch emails
New Business membership feature in directories: personalize your batch emails
Sending mass messages is sometimes necessary when you're working under tight deadlines, but they sometimes lack the level of personalization we all like to add to our emails when trying to attract potential collaborators.
ProZ.com Business members can now add an extra layer of personalization to their batch emails sent from both ProZ Find and the classic directory.
A new button will enable you to insert your recipients' names or usernames (depending on their private settings) in any part of the message (the message itself or even the subject line).
To insert the name, click on the button and the name tag will appear where your cursor was in the body of the text. In the preview of the message, it will look like {name}, but worry not! Once the message is sent, that tag will be replaced by the name or username of the person who receives the message.
For questions or suggestions about this or other features of Business membership, you can reach the ProZ.com Business team at [email protected].
New 4-part free training series from SDL Trados:
1 Understanding and managing terminology
2 Using SDL Trados Studio and MultiTerm to manage terminology
3 Guiding clients in terminology management best practice
4 Managing terminology in a collaborative localization workflow
Many people within translation teams who are used to working in an office environment are now having to work from home. Watch our webcast to see the technical aspects of working with SDL Trados Studio and GroupShare from your home office:
(4) Have you tried the new job posting form?
Have you tried the new job posting form?
A modernized job posting form has been released, featuring a wizard-like step by step form making it easier to add all the information relevant to your job.
You will see if you're missing anything or if there's an error in each section before you move on to the next, letting you pinpoint these errors quicker and fixing them before you've gone through more sections.
Right before posting you will see if there are any inconsistencies or if you forgot about something in the review section; and if there are inconsistencies between your contact information in the form and in your Blue Board record, you will be able to choose which to use. Later, you can contact site staff if you need to update any information on the Blue Board record you might have realized was out of date.
Give it a try when you post your next language services need: https://www.proz.com/post-translation-job
(5) CafeTran available to all paying ProZ.com members during Covid-19

Wordfast has compiled TAUS corona crisis data into freely accessible TMs for English <> French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Chinese.
These TMs can be accessed using our free CAT tool Wordfast Anywhere, as well as our desktop tools. See our dedicated wiki page for details on how to access them:https://www.wordfast.net/wiki/VLTM_in_Wordfast_Pro
(6) Winners of the 2019 membership campaign prize draw announced
Winners of the 2019 membership campaign prize draw announced
The winners of the prize draw for the 2019 membership campaign were finally announced this month. You can see them here:
Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone for their patience!
There is growing demand for trained medical and legal interpreters. Our Professional Certificate in Spanish Community Interpreting gives you the skills and confidence you need for a successful and rewarding career.
(7) Watch or re-watch three days' worth of free sessions for freelancers
Watch or re-watch three days' worth of free sessions for freelancers
If you missed some or all of the recent Freelance success summit, not to worry: you can still go back and watch three days' worth of sessions, for free:
PerfectIt™ is used by thousands of translators around the world because it helps deliver error-free documents.
If you are a ProZ.com member, claim your discount now or add a free trial of PerfectIt™ to your MS Word.
(8) Upcoming virtual powwows
Upcoming virtual powwows
30: Thinking Out Loud 2: Translator Toolkit (33 members) http://proz.com/powwow/7249
04: Incontro virtuale per freelancers (34) http://proz.com/powwow/7220
07: The effects of Covid-19 in translation (8) http://proz.com/powwow/7240
16: Маркетинг по электронной почте (29) http://proz.com/powwow/7081
22: Bring your joy! (12) http://proz.com/powwow/7223
Propose a virtual powwow: https://www.proz.com/powwows
Thank you for tuning in this month. How has your April been, in comparison to previous years?
Happy translating,
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