| ProZ.com Newsletter: November 2005 « return to the newsletter archive
--------------------- ProZ.com Newsletter ---------------------
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Promote yourself - become a member! Join now: http://www.proz.com/join
(1) Krakow Conference a hit. Next year: Buenos Aires (2) Join ProZ.com by December 15 and save (3) Use your browniz to upgrade! (Save 30 usd/eur) (4) Membership/renewal campaign runs thru Dec. 15 (5) Give your browniz points to a top colleague (6) ProZ.com traffic doubles - get your share! (7) New feature: Project History (SM) (8) Group buying: TRADOS & SDLX at 35% off (9) ProZ.com & SDL present translator 'Academy' awards (10) Member report for 2005 / Survey (1/2) for 2006
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) Krakow Conference earns enthusiastic reviews. Next year: Buenos Aires ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ProZ.com's 3rd international conference was held last weekend, and the event was both productive and enjoyable. A capacity crowd of 160 members from thirty countries participated in two days of sessions, networking and training. Undaunted by the early winter snow, attendees enjoyed the sights and dishes of historic Krak�w.

Eliza-Anna: "Absolutely brilliant! The sessions were very helpful and I was really pleased to visit Krakov as well..."
George Amolochitis: "That was a really fantastic conference with complete cover of most of the encountered problems... That was my first ProZ.com conference, I was really satisfied..."
jszacki: "Krakow + ProZ.com is a really nice combination."
Szymon Metkowski: "My first ProZ.com conference, but definitely not the last one."
Peter Cox: "Best organised conference to date. A challenge to future organisers!"
Bianca Fogarasi: "It was a great way of learning new stuff, networking among each other and feeling that I'm really part of a community. A GREAT one. Thanks again!"
Uli Sengfelder: "I enjoyed meeting you all very much. Special thanks to Magda for organizing and to Jerzy for the nice restaurant selection! See you next time!"
Russell Jones: "It was a great success."
Congratulations and thanks go to Magda Dziadosz for organizing this memorable event. Thanks also to Jerzy Czopik for assisting with meals and other arrangements. And thanks to all the speakers who shared their knowledge and experience with others.
The next ProZ.com "international" conference will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in August. Planning is already underway, and it looks this could be a truly special experience for those who are able to attend.
Also, a "national" conference (officially bilingual and with local focus) is tentatively being arranged for Berlin in May. Please check the site and future newsletters for details.
ProZ.com Conference in Krakow: http://www.proz.com/conference/2?r_id=31
Conference photo (by Vladimir Suda): http://community.webshots.com/photo/514104644/514124258gUSKsZ?r_id=31
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (2) Join ProZ.com by December 15 and save ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you are a translator or interpreter, ProZ.com is dedicated to serving you. We provide an array of tools and opportunities for you to network, expand your business, improve your work, and experience added enjoyment in your daily endeavors.
Together, the members of the ProZ.com community are changing translation from a solitary pursuit into something more collaborative and more fun. Joining them as a full platinum member of ProZ.com represents an investment in your business, in ProZ.com, and ultimately, in the translation industry as a whole.
Changes will be made to the site in 2006, to the further benefit of full members. In advance of this, a membership drive is currently underway: we invite you to join us in full ProZ.com membership now! To encourage you to go platinum during this campaign, we are offering the following incentives:
* Your membership will be valid up to 2007 (i.e. by upgrading now you get an extra month of membership at no charge)
* We are waiving all transaction fees (including those on wire transfers; just remove the transaction fee you pay from the 120 payable.)
* You will be entered for a chance to win a trip to the next ProZ.com international conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
These incentives, and the coming changes, make now the best time to join ProZ.com. In 2006, you will enjoy all the benefits of membership in the world's leading translator community, and the leading portal for human translation.
The campaign ends December 15. Expand your business and enhance the profession - go platinum now!
Offer details: http://www.proz.com/offers?r_id=44
Campaign explanation and discussion: http://www.proz.com/topic/39120?r_id=43
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (3) Use your browniz to upgrade! (Save 30 usd/eur) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
According to your profile, you have earned enough browniz points to qualify for a discount on membership. With 4000 browniz, you are able to join as a full member of ProZ.com for a year for 90 usd/eur, instead of 120. All the incentives of the current campaign apply, even at the lower price.
Go platinum with browniz and save: http://www.proz.com/offers?r_id=44
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (4) Membership / renewals campaign runs thru December 15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thank you for your support of ProZ.com. Your membership makes ProZ.com possible.
As a platinum member, you know that ProZ.com is dedicated to serving you. We provide an array of tools and opportunities for you to network, expand your business, improve your work, and experience added enjoyment in your daily endeavors.
By joining and participating in ProZ.com, the world's leading translator community, you are helping to change translation from a solitary pursuit into something more collaborative and more fun. In joining ProZ.com, you have invested in your business, in ProZ.com, and ultimately, in the translation industry as a whole.
Changes will be made to the site in 2006, to the further benefit you as a paying member. In advance of this, a membership drive is currently underway: professional translators and active site users who are not yet platinum are being invited to join you in full ProZ.com membership now. To encourage them to go platinum during this campaign, we are offering the following incentives:
* Memberships purchased now are valid up to 2007 (i.e. an extra month of membership is added at no charge)
* All transaction fees are being waived (including those on wire transfers; those who send wires may remove the transaction fee from the 120 payable.)
* All those who join (or renew) are entered for a chance to win a trip to the next ProZ.com international conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
These incentives, and the coming changes, make now the best time for new members to join ProZ.com.
If you know top translators who are not yet ProZ.com members, we invite you to tell them about this campaign. By bringing qualified professionals into our community, we all stand to benefit from the networking, collaboration and resource development that will result.
Although the promotion is targeted at those who are not yet members, as a current member, you may renew and benefit from the lack of transaction fees and the chance to win the trip. (Note that as a member, your price for renewing for one year is 100 eur/usd (compared to the rate for new memberships of 120 eur/usd.))
To obtain an additional year of membership under these preferential terms, or to tell colleagues about the campaign, use this page: http://www.proz.com/offers The campaign ends December 15.
Offer page: http://www.proz.com/offers?r_id=44
Campaign explanation: http://www.proz.com/topic/39120?r_id=43
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (5) Invite a top colleague to join - and give him/her 4000 of your browniz points ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In response to member requests (thanks Vito Smolej, Magda and others!), we have created a means for platinum members to invite non-member colleagues to join us as full members, transfering 4000 browniz points to them along with the invitation.
With 4000 browniz, invitees are entitled to join ProZ.com as a new members for 90 usd/eur, instead of the usual 120 usd/eur.
As new professionals are brought into our community, we all benefit from the networking, collaboration and resources that result. Therefore, we encourage current members with at least 4000 browniz to use this feature as a tool to encourage top colleagues--who are not platinum and do not have 4000 browniz--to join us as ProZ.com members.
To invite colleagues and give them browniz points that can be redeemed for a discount, see this page: http://proz.com/?sp=bz_donate
We ask that you restrict your invitations to colleagues whom you know and respect. Please do not make public postings offering to share your browniz with others.
To see how many browniz points you or another member has, check the right side of the profile page. (For more info on browniz points, see: http://www.proz.com/faq/browniz )
Note that the browniz discount can be used in conjunction with the current campaign. All the incentives of this campaign apply, even at the lower price.
Donate your browniz to a colleague: http://proz.com/?sp=bz_donate&r_id=48
Discussion thread for invitations with browniz: http://www.proz.com/topic/39719?r_id=50
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (6) ProZ.com traffic doubles - get your share of the attention! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Have you noticed an increase in the number of potential clients contacting you via your profile page? (If you are a platinum member, check your profile "Visitors" tab.) Thanks to increased advertising efforts--made possible through platinum member support--visits to ProZ.com profile pages have more than doubled this year.
Here are some simple ways to make sure you get your share of the new client traffic:
(1) Go platinum. Platinum member profiles are linked to from various locations in ProZ.com, in such a way that they inherit ProZ.com's high Google "page rank". (ProZ.com's page rank is the highest of any site in human translation.) Member profiles get more search engine traffic as a result.
(2) Link to your profile page from your own domain, your CV, your email, and from elsewhere on the web. Doing this is sound marketing, and it also boosts your page rank.
(3) Enter all relevant keywords, in multiple languages. You'll only come up in Google searches if your profile lists the right search terms.
We'll be publishing an article with more tips like these next month. Please consider taking some time over the holiday period to optimize your profile, and maybe even develop your own website. Hosting of your own domain is free for platinum members, and you can get started in minutes.
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (7) New feature: Project History (SM) (platinum-only) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A new feature is available for beta testing: your Project History (SM)*. Details:
* Your "project history" allows you to track past projects completed, along with data on language pairs, fields, volume, client, etc.
* One application of the page is personal organization. You can use the system to keep a personal history, to track payments, etc. Your project history page is visible only to you, and by default, information entered on projects will not be seen by others.
* It is possible to select projects from your project history, and make general details about them appear to others via a "Project History" tab in your profile page. This provides a way for you to highlight relevant experience in a way that may be useful to potential clients.
* Potentially sensitive details, such as the name of a client, are not visible to anyone but you, by default. However, the option to show client names exists--provided that this is agreed to by both you and your client.
* To instill trust in potential clients, you will have the option of asking your clients to corroborate your project records.
* You also have the option of inviting your client to provide general feedback (positive, negative, neutral) on your work on the project.
* When an outsourcer searches the directory, the number of projects you have completed in the pair and field, and the number corroborated, will be shown.
* If you have worked with ProZ.com colleagues on a project, you can request corroboration and feedback from them, just as you have from the outsourcers. (This corroboration is handled and displayed separately from that of clients.)
* Project histories are a platinum-only feature. Beta testing is also platinum-only.
We anticipate that this project history feature will provide a convenient means for translators to keep track of their work, and further, for top translators to differentiate themselves based on professional experience and client satisfaction.
Conversely, for outsourcers requiring translators specialized in certain areas, the project history profile tab will provide additional information that may be useful when identifying candidates for further qualification.
* The term "Project History" is a service mark of ProZ.com. Copyright (c) 2005 ProZ.com. All rights reserved.
Add projects to your Project History(SM): http://www.proz.com/?sp=project_history&r_id=51
Discuss the new Project History(SM) functionality: http://www.proz.com/topic/39771?r_id=52
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (8) Group buying: TRADOS & SDLX at 35% off ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This month we are running a group buying sale on TRADOS and SDLX. In this sale--the last until next spring--TRADOS and SDL are available with platinum membership at discounts of us to 35%. Purchase TRADOS, SDLX, or a combination of both, at the lowest price worldwide, and be ready to support more clients in 2006!
TRADOS / SDLX sale: http://www.proz.com/tgb?r_id=45
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (9) ProZ.com & SDL present translator 'Academy' awards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ProZ.com and SDL/TRADOS were the two gold sponsors of this year's ATA Conference. In addition to the welcome and closing receptions, ProZ.com and SDL hosted a gala "Translator 'Academy' Awards Night". Nominations and votes were fielded, and a "Flagman" statue was presented to winners in 8 categories. Among the winners, selected from among those who attended the ATA conference, were Sandra Alboum (Project Manager of the year; 77 Blue Board 5's) and Marian Greenfield (Collaborator; over 4000 KudoZ points in the past year, as well as mentoring, speaking, organizing the ATA conference and serving as its President). Congratulations, Sandra and Marian!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (10) Member report for 2005 / Survey (1/2) for 2006 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Plans are currently being made for ProZ.com development in 2006, and we are inviting platinum members for their suggestions and feedback.
We will run two surveys. The first has an open format, asking for ideas and suggestions. See: http://www.proz.com/survey/38 Please fill this out when you have a moment!
The second survey, to be linked to from next month's newsletter, will ask for your prioritization of tasks and initiatives suggested.
[ Note: In case you missed it in the last newsletter, a report to members was published on ProZ.com accomplishments in 2005: http://www.proz.com/plat?viewPage=highlights ]
ProZ.com accomplishments in 2005: http://www.proz.com/plat?viewPage=highlights&r_id=40
Member survey for 2006 development (1 of 2): http://www.proz.com/survey/38?r_id=41
- - - - - - - - - - - Your username: Membership status: Registered user KudoZ: BrowniZ: Wallet balance: $0.10 Your profile: http://www.proz.com/profile/0 - - - - - - - - - - -
Forgotten password? http://proz.com/?sp=new_password
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