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Search results: (7 matches)
Translator resources Wanted: a decent Italian-English legal dictionary Francesco di Francis' Dizionario Giuridico We think you should buy the other volume of
Francesco de Franchis' Dizionario Giuridico; it
will help better understand the one you already
have. It is absolutely the best such diction
Fumiko & Alberto Zaccagnini Jul 19, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Your translation experience has best prepared you for which role in the zombie apocalypse? Not even fun As Mr Mario Gonzalez wrote: "Not even
fun". ----- We add: Please, ProZ staff, prevent
the post of polls this stupid, and of such a bad
taste? *Such* polls are a great waste of
Fumiko & Alberto Zaccagnini Feb 26, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: When did you start working with your latest new client? Please implement a link to retract and edit my vote! From Alberto: I was very sleepy and thus
misread the poll's question, and voted the wrong
answer: Could ProZ implement a link to retract
and edit my vote? At least in the first hour af
Fumiko & Alberto Zaccagnini Feb 23, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the most important aspect of working with a vendor management program? These CAT-like virtual attempts to replace human interaction, only complicate and hinder our work. We are TOTALLY against these CAT-like virtual
replacement for human interaction . They make the
work of translators unhuman and inhumane. Under
pretext of "simplifying", they make our wo
Fumiko & Alberto Zaccagnini Feb 14, 2017 training Free webinar - Atril - Unleash the potential of Déjà Vu X3 CAT tool I clicked the "register" button for this webinar "Unleash...": but no confirmation window opened... I clicked the "register" button for this
webinar: but no confirmation window opened, and
I received no confirmation E-mail, (unlike what
happened when i registered for the "for begin
Fumiko & Alberto Zaccagnini Apr 4, 2016
Software applications Job posting says:"Additional requirements: OVERTYPE WORD FILE": but what is an "OVERTYPE WORD FILE"? I THANK ALL YOU WHO KINDLY REPLIED TO MY QUESTION: Your answers were all very helpful to me. Now I
know and will never forget what "to overtype a
Word file" means! Wow, I really feel part of a
community, where we all help each other, he
Fumiko & Alberto Zaccagnini Jun 18, 2010
Software applications Job posting says:"Additional requirements: OVERTYPE WORD FILE": but what is an "OVERTYPE WORD FILE"? A Job posting posted on PROZ reads :"Additional
requirements: equirements: OVERTYPE WORD FILE":
but what is an "OVERTYPE WORD FILE"? Does
anybody know? Thank you very much I am ver
Fumiko & Alberto Zaccagnini Jun 10, 2010

Translation industry discussion forums

Open discussion on topics related to translation, interpreting and localization

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CafeTran Espresso
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