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 Kilgray Translation Technologies releases memoQ 2013 R2

Release date: 28 October 2013


Kilgray Translation Technologies, developer of the translation solutions memoQ, memoQ server, memoQWebTrans, qTerm and Language Terminal, released memoQ 2013 R2 and further improvements to memoQWebTrans and qTerm on 28 October 2013.

Based on their users’ feedback, Kilgray added a wealth of productivity boosters to memoQ 2013 R2 that will make the work of freelance translators, language service providers and enterprise customers more effective.

Notable among the enhancements are: monolingual review enables memoQ 2013 R2 users to update their translation memories by importing the reviewed monolingual versions of their translations. Imported PDF documents will keep the layout of the original file, and translated texts can be exported as .doc or .docx files. Improvements to Microsoft Word integration include using Microsoft Word dictionaries for spell-check, changing fonts automatically in .docx files according to the most widespread fonts, when translating between European and Asian (CCJK) languages, and enhanced functionality for importing and exporting comments.

In previous versions of memoQ, it was only possible to create handoff packages from local projects. With the release of memoQ 2013 R2, packages can now also be created from online projects for server documents and desktop documents. Terms also can be extracted from Multiterm XML or TBX term bases and imported into memoQ without having qTerm installed.

Further improvements to memoQ include a startup wizard to configure memoQ through eight easy steps, new filters for YAML and JSON files, language detection, view in document name, enhanced compatibility with other translation tools through Wordfast TMX and non-segmented SDLXLIFF import and many other convenient features.

Using qTerm’s search history feature, project managers can check out which terms were included in searches by project participants, which terms were found and which not. memoQWebTrans can now be used for review, with the different versions of a target segment also available on the web interface.

More information on these concepts and improvements is available at


About Kilgray

Kilgray Translation Technologies delivers computer-aided technologies for the translation industry. All products of Kilgray, (memoQ, the memoQ server, qTerm, memoQWebTrans and Language Terminal) are designed to facilitate, speed-up and optimize the entire translation process.

The networked translation solutions of Kilgray are team-oriented and scalable for use by small translation teams as well as large enterprises.


For further information contact

Sandor Papp / PR manager / Kilgray Translation Technologies

[email protected] /



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